Junk food success?

Well this seems weird but Ive been on vacation the last 2 weeks and ive been very active but my diet has been very sad if you will. I started out great because we had lots of healthy options, then we have been at my grandparents and they love to cater us with crap! Anyway the last 4 days i have eaten junk for instance yesterday i ate grapes cake and chicken and a yogurt...very sad but somehow ive lost 6 lbs in 3 days (i have been only getting about 1000 calories max) I know I know its not good...how much is this going to effect my weight when i get back!


  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Seeing as how we dont know anything about you....pretty impossible to tell you other than guessing.

    What is your Height, Weight and Age? How many calories per day were you doing prior to this 1000 and for how long?

    How long have you been getting 1000? just 3 days?

    Those are important factors
  • phoenixjane1
    Oh sorry i thought my profile was open, I m 5 8 and I was 185 now im 179, I was aiming for 1500 always work out about 2-3 hours a day ( I was working at a gym) Just goes to show that just because you work at a gym doesnt mean you know squat lol.