Move over bacon....

fbref9 Posts: 74 Member
I have been an athlete for most of my life (all-state football & discus in high school) and all conference (discus) in college. My weight has fluctuated over the years, yet I have always been able to maintain a decent level of fitness. My problem has been maintain a good level of health. It took me a while to realize that fitness and health are not the same since I used my fitness level to have that little extra.

Well here I am. I turned 37 last month and just went for my annual physical on Jan. 6th. The results were positive overall, but the doctor had a couple of harsh words for me. Without saying it, the doc told me that I was fat! I would have been offended but we have a very candid doctor/patient understanding.

So a litle more about me. I have been married for 13 years and have 3 young children (9g, 8b & 4g). Although we are an active family, we find that our eating habits while we are on the go are not the best. It didn't help that I was in the habit of finishing the kids food regardless if we went out to eat or ate at home. There are plenty of other reasons why my health is not where my fitness level is; however, that started to change this past monday.

Although I am just now joining MFP, I have been working a program for the past week. I have stuck to my meal plan and calorie allotment and I have seen the scale start to inch downward. I will have my first official weigh-in on Monday morning. I know any large loss will be artificial due to losing water weight, etc... but as long as it moves downward I will be happy.

2010 will be a leaner year (think health and fitness, not the economy) for me!


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    welcome to an awesome site .........good luck on your weight loss goals ..... i just turned 39 last month... are you a capricorn? anyways wishing you great success
  • fbref9
    fbref9 Posts: 74 Member
    Well I made it through the weekend without going over my calories; however, I need to find time to do some physical activity. Overall it is a good start, and I am excited about moving into week 2.

    I know this may sound odd, but I am looking forward to getting on the scale tomorrow morning. I was 298 on 1/1/10 and 290 when I signed up for MFP a couple of days ago. As long as I am below 290 tomorrow morning, I will be pleased.