Ladies 5'3" with starting weight of 175-180

Hi Ladies, if your starting weight was 175-180, how much have you lost, how long has it taken and what caloric intake are you on? Also, if doing cardio and strength training, how often do you workout?

I have lost 12 lbs since end of July, I workout 4 days a week, on 1200 calories a day, but not losing numbers on scale for the last 2 weeks.


  • jkhirst

    I have lost approximately 25 pounds (my starting weight was 173.8 officially) since May of this year. I started off with a 1400 calorie intake to lose a pound a week which decreased over time to 1280. Since I am now on my last '8 pounds' to lose, I've slowed down the loss to 0.5 pounds a week which is 1500 calories in an attempt to get over my plateau, which seems to be working (I was stuck at 150 for about 3 weeks, increased the calories and dropped 2 pounds the following week).

    I've hit a small plateau at every 10 pounds. I find switching up what you are eating really helps (ie. I switch my breakfast around a lot) and sometimes your body just needs to eat a bit more for a while to kick it back into losing weight (although this is hard to do mentally after being so restrictive for a few months).

    In the summer I played ball, so I was 'working out' by playing two 1.5 hr games a week and then doing a 60 minute Zumba or some other cardio class. This decreases in the winter, so I am trying to get to the gym at least once every week for cardio, and then my walk to work is about 20 min every day.
  • Elisac2008
    Elisac2008 Posts: 83 Member
    I have lost 19 pounds since early July/late June. I was going to the gym 3 to 4 days a week for combined 60 to 90 minutes of couch to 5k with walk and elliptical. School started 4 weeks ago and I started 30 day shred every day and not going to the gym. I am down 2 pants sizes. Shred boosted my loss.

    eta: I was doing a 1200 calorie diet for the most part for july and august and eating my exercise calories.
    Now I do 1300 to 1400, which includes exercise calories. I am trying to get up to my bmr I think. I am increasing by 100, but hard to do when just not hungry.
  • jessakittyis
    jessakittyis Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 5'1 but I think i'm allowed to reply ;)

    I started at 181 in the first full week of August and have lost 14 lb in 7 weeks. Ive been eating 1200 cal a day and doing 40-60 minutes of cardio 4-6 days a week. I log absolutely everything I eat so I have a really good idea of if I'm actually eating 1200 cal or cheating.

    I think if you aren't seeing the results you want you may want to change up your work out routine. Try taking a class or doing a new machine at the gym. Also I don't know what you are eating exactly but I suggest cutting out a lot of processed foods and replacing them with home prepared things. That's been the main difference in my diet and I'm really seeing results.

    Good luck.
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    I have a lot of random variables so hang with me for a second.

    I was around 175 after having my son 2 years ago. I got down to 125 this way...
    Eating 2,000 calories a day at least and splurging on weekends.
    Breast feeding till he was one.
    Working out 30-50 minutes a day 5 days a week.
    After I stopped breast feeding it became more difficult. I am now 135. I have tried 1200 calories (NET) a day. Eating back workout calories. That made me starving and it didn't work. Currently I am eating 1800 a day. Not eating back workout calories but never netting below BMR. I workout 5-6 days a week. 45-50 min a day of cardio. 4 times a week - 20 min of strength training. I have gained a bit by upping my calories but I have leveled off. I have gained a lot of muscle also. I'm around 23% body fat. Oh I'm also 32 and 5'3.

    Hope this helps. Dk if it does!!!
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I started out at 197. More than you're looking for I know but here's my 2 cents... I lost 46 pounds so far since April. I exercise 6 days a week and some days I work out harder than others. I eat anywhere from 1200-2000 calories. On metabolism boost days I eat pretty much what ever I want. I don't have those days more than once a week. I have had a pretty steady weight loss. I don't lose every week though. TOM is a scale killer so I don't even bother to record that week. I think you just have to keep on trying and maybe try varying calories to keep your body guessing. It's hard for the metabolism to adjust if you don't give it a base line. Just something I have read and use that works for me. Plus I'm no good at planning so I just eat and make decent choices seems to keep me under. I would say that make sure your getting your protien( I have mine set at 30%) I think MFP sets protien far too low. 15% just doesn't work for me and higher protien may help with weight loss. Again, just from research I did, I'm no expert.
  • alortego
    alortego Posts: 11 Member
    Wow all of you ladies are all such an inspiration. You should all be so proud of your hard work. I have decided that I will never allow myself to get in this bad of shape again to where I feel helpless in making choices on what I can and should not eat.
    For me right now, that TOM is hovering back and forth for this past week. Start then stop, so I'm sure my scales are teeter tottering due to that as well.

    My goal is around 145, but that too is a number, I just want to be healthy, not uncomfortable and hurting from just simple exercises. I try so hard to stay focused on the end result.

    My hubby and I are going on a cruise in November & I want to be able to "enjoy" the cruise and all that it offers, besides "tons of food". In the past, I have been anxious to go just to be able to eat all the yummy food, but this time I have a whole new attitude :)
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