
wondering who all is a diabetic and if that have any secrets to healthy eating ... im a newly diagnosed diabetic and I HATE it !!


  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    Im type 1. I've found logging on here really helps out with working out how much insulin to take
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I was diagnosed about 5 months ago. I miss the idea of certain things more than I miss the actual food. Like I know that I'll never have a huge hunk of fresh bread or pig out on a bag of hershey kisses. But, I can have one slice of bread or a couple of kisses. :ohwell:
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    I was diagnosed in early August of this year. I was already on a Mediterranian diet, and so it was a pretty easy change over to a diabetic one, actually had to increase the amount of carbs I was eating with each meal:laugh:

    Really, there is no secret, just stop eating $#!^, it's that simple. You can still have bread, just eater better kinds of bread, there are many more choices than white, and many if not most of them taste a lot better. You can still have pasta, just recognize that is going to be your carb for the meal, so don't have the aformentioned bread. You can still have chocolate, just a little bit though. Cut out fatty meats and replace with leaner cuts and/or fish (heart health is a big concern for us, don't you know).

    If you are addicted to sweets and starches, this might be harder for you than for me, I never liked soda's or candy, I'd prefer a corndog or a piece of cheese any day of the week! So cutting those "useless" calories out of my diet was pretty simple, because they were never there to begin with.

    But despite this, you need to find your motivation for beating diabetes. This will help you overcome any hurdles to sticking to the prescribed diet. Mine? I don't want to give that *kitten* any more of my life. So I've changed the way I eat and have started exercising and it has already worked wonders. My A1C in August was 12.4 when I was first diagnosed! I had it checked again for a follow up and it is now a friggin' 8.0! I haven't been killing myself or denying myself, I've just been making better decisions (mostly) and just that little bit of change has done wonders!

    So use this site religiously, log everything for about a week, and then look through your lists and identify where you could have made better choices and make them, but don't beat yourself up over them, you just need to learn is all, and like always, life is a crappy teacher, it gives you the test before teaching you the lesson, so don't be too hard on yourself if you blow a day or even a week (you blow a month though and you may want to seek immediate help:tongue: )
  • MarieRunyon
    MarieRunyon Posts: 10 Member
    thanks guys.... i go back to doc the 23rd of this month to have my a1c checked again .... I KNOW its going to be lower , I have been doing pretty most of the time .... when I was told I was diabetic my a1c was 6.5 , so as you know from my numbers I'm on NO meds so far and IF I can help I will never be put on meds ... I lost both of my parents due to diabetes and I"ll be damned if its goign to get me the same as it got them ....