Why are the numbers so important?!

I have totally succeeded in my weight loss goal...I have actually gone beyond my goal and I have maintained it quite well. Now, the thing is that I am a chronic scale user. I step on the scale each and every morning without fail and log my weight everyday. This helps keep me accountable and on track.

Now, recently, I have notice a slight increase of weight. The bad thing is that my measurements are less and the way I fit in my clothes have not changed. In some cases they actually feel looser. But since I see this number on the scale, I am now beginning to feel "fat" and thinking that I now have to change things up a bit so that I can see that perfect number on the scale.

I have been working out, with weights, and logically I know very well that it could be just muscle mass that I've gained but my psyche (the evil voice in my head) is telling me that I am getting fat, I need to revamp my diet and I need to start working out more.

Does anyone else feel this way or do I need professional help???


  • zognorf
    zognorf Posts: 13
    You're not crazy--the scale by itself can make you feel fat--even if your pants fit like they should. I use a skinfold caliper to combat this....you can order them as cheap as 30$ or so, and when you use them you can check your lean body mass against your fat mass....its a booster for someone who loves the numbers (I'm one of those too).

    Watching your lean mass go up while your fat mass goes down is awesome....who CARES how much you weigh if you're staying in the desired bodyfat percentage range? :)
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    i feel the same way i can totally relate its probably water weight u have gained not actual weight and depneds on when u weight urself u it changes throughout the day so the mornin time is best its ur true weight

    dont trust the numbers on the scale its the measurements that really truly tell whtether u have gained or not doesnt measure water weight so go by this and then eventually if it is water weight once u loose that u should be able to get the readin u want

    maybe adjust ur diet a little high fibre and LOW sodium is a must causes water weight and dont eat too late and night stop eatin 2-3 hours before bed and if u need a snack have an apple

    hope i helped :flowerforyou:
  • ks2001
    ks2001 Posts: 40
    I would encourage you to remember that, if you're at an appropriate weight now, you LOOK so much better! I'm not to your point of success yet, but I would take an increase on the scale to look sexier in my clothes! LOL--Stick with it; sounds like you're doing a great job!