Teenagers are spoiled rotten nowadays



  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    Had 4 kids. All were marvelous as teenagers, though not perfect, (who is?) They are now productive members of society as adults. It is like anything, you get out what you put in. Wouldn't change them for the world.

    That is a testament to good parentling, another scarce commodity these days....
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I am 20 years old... don't know if that counts as a teen still to you.
    I am at school studying 55ish hours a week, working 20, work out 6 days a week and try to make the most of the time with my friends that I can. I have a sponsor child in Uganda. I buy my own books, gym membership, school fees, clothes, car and pay rent.

    I watch on average 1 tv show on the weekend, that's about it... Tell me again about how we are all the same :noway:
  • GaryRuizReborn
    If that 1 tv show is Andy Griffith your fine.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    They need to watch more Andy Griffith a show that taught morals,and pride.Now Jersey Snore? WHY WOrld!!??

    Jersey Shore was cancelled. Today's brain-melter is Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

    And to THAT I say, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is an awesome, inspirational show.

  • GaryRuizReborn
  • GaryRuizReborn
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    If that 1 tv show is Andy Griffith your fine.

    Nope. Either Supernatural or NCIS. SO what?! I'm not allowed to take one hour to watch one of my fave tv shows?

    Plus I have a nokia, don't have a tv/dvd/xbox in my room and I bought my own laptop.
    Whereas on the other hand my younger brother has all those, plus a 2011 lancer bought for him. But hey, at least I know independence and how to survive in the real world.
  • GaryRuizReborn
    Im pleading with you! One episode will change your life forever:noway:
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    If they're spoiled rotten then I guess their parents didn't raise them right.

    That's not very fair to say. A parent can do everything right, and the kid can still turn out wrong.

    In high school, I was an honor student, stayed out of trouble, mostly kept to myself and didn't ask for much. My grandparents bought me my first car when I was 19... a 1998 Jetta Volkswagen for $5000, which I took care of and still own today. I put myself through college with no help from my parents, and now I have a career in web design with a entry-level salary of $50,000. I worked my *kitten* off for it, and I always felt like I had less than all my peers when I was a teenager.

    While my TWIN brother (so... raised at the same time by the same parents as me), barely passed high school, and is spiraling into unemployment and drug addiction, and my parents and grandparents are trying to help him.

    It's not always the parents' fault. Some kids are just predisposed to failure or to act spoiled.

    Edit: And we did watch the Andy Griffith show and Leave it to Beaver when we were kids. Maybe I got more out of it than my brother.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    5 kids. . .21, 19, 14, 13 & 6. . . .I'm with ya' on the spoiled part for the 19 y.o. and the 6 y.o. The other ones are just as spoiled, but they BEHAVE much less like they're entitled to every fancy thing on the planet!

    sevsmom, you do not look old enough in your profile pic for all of those kids!!

    And my teens are awesome. They are my step-sons, but after 7 years we are finally getting things in common :) My oldest is going for his learner's tomorrow morning.
  • MD1Girl
    MD1Girl Posts: 46 Member
    Your kids are a product of your parenting. Period. Too many parents focused on themselves and what they want rather than parenting their kids. I have two girls and my son who will be a teen one day 19,17,8. They are far from perfect; but they are respectful, well mannered kids who know how to work for what they want. They do not do without by any means, but they don't expect it either.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    If they're spoiled rotten then I guess their parents didn't raise them right.

    That's not very fair to say. A parent can do everything right, and the kid can still turn out wrong.

    In high school, I was an honor student, stayed out of trouble, mostly kept to myself and didn't ask for much. I put myself through college with no help from my parents, and now I have a career in web design with a entry-level salary of $50,000. I worked my *kitten* off for it, and I always felt like I had less than all my peers when I was a teenager.

    While my TWIN brother (so... raised at the same time by the same parents as me), barely passed high school, and is spiraling into unemployment and drug addiction, and my parents and grandparents are trying to help him.

    It's not always the parents' fault. Some kids are just predisposed to failure or to act spoiled.

    Agreed. I can relate completely, except the twin part. My sister was my mini me though, just two years younger, and she's a dishonorable discharge from the army, married to an abuser, has a kid she doesn't know how to take care of, etc. I am happily married, waiting on kids, taking 6 classes in college and maintaining a 3.5 GPA, transferring to a big college for my bachelors, and setting myself up for graduate school. We are two different people, same parents, same childhood.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Also, I am not stupid thankyou.

    I am putting myself through university and have massive dreams for the future!
  • hifinm
    hifinm Posts: 42 Member
    There is a saying

    " There are no bad kids, just bad parents!!!"
  • GaryRuizReborn
    You can learn a lot from Andy Griffith,no?
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    Spoiled brats belong to every generation its not unique to teenagers.
  • MD1Girl
    MD1Girl Posts: 46 Member
    If they're spoiled rotten then I guess their parents didn't raise them right.

    That's not very fair to say. A parent can do everything right, and the kid can still turn out wrong.

    In high school, I was an honor student, stayed out of trouble, mostly kept to myself and didn't ask for much. My grandparents bought me my first car when I was 19... a 1998 Jetta Volkswagen for $5000, which I took care of and still own today. I put myself through college with no help from my parents, and now I have a career in web design with a entry-level salary of $50,000. I worked my *kitten* off for it, and I always felt like I had less than all my peers when I was a teenager.

    While my TWIN brother (so... raised at the same time by the same parents as me), barely passed high school, and is spiraling into unemployment and drug addiction, and my parents and grandparents are trying to help him.

    It's not always the parents' fault. Some kids are just predisposed to failure or to act spoiled.

    Edit: And we did watch the Andy Griffith show and Leave it to Beaver when we were kids. Maybe I got more out of it than my brother.

    Valid point.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    There is a saying

    " There are no bad kids, just bad parents!!!"

    I LOVE your dog.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I have been teaching teenagers for 37 years. Most of them are phenomenally hard-working and awesome. And the two I raised myself are fabulous adults. Don't judge an entire generation by a few difficult ones. Older adults said the same thing about us.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    If they're spoiled rotten then I guess their parents didn't raise them right.

    It's not always the parents fault. But in most cases I've experienced and seen first hand it's the parents fault. Kids cry, parents don't want to listen to it, they give the kid what they want even though they said no. I've seen THAT happen often, which usually ends in spoiled brat leading to teenagers who feel they are entitled to everything.