A Newbee (?)

jbenoff1 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Not sure if I spelled newbee right, but I am new. I started a strict diet 1/1 and began blogging on Spark People, but this site is so much more user friendly! I hope to meet others that want to loose weight like me. 50 pounds! Anyone else out there? Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • I just joined a few days ago after getting a friend's recommendation. I went to sparkpeople, too, and thought this was so much better!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Welcome! Welcome!!!

    I heard the websit for sparkle mentioned before... and this may sound dumb... but I thought it was a site for people who liked the Twilight series! HAHA!!!

    Anyways... I love this site! It's awesome! There are some AMAZING people here! I wish you all the luck on the journey to the new you!
  • We're almost in the same boat. I want to lose 39 lbs. The number seems scary at first but you just gotta chip away at it 1 lb at a time.
  • Hello All, I'm new here too. Looking to lose 60 pounds. Gonna take it day-by-day. I know the journey will be long so I'm trying to make it fun. I joined a gym and hope that that will help me. Let me know what your plans are.
  • Hello! I'm new as well. This should be interesting . Hopefully I stick with it....seems easy so far. My husband joined as well.
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