My first day on the website

Jesusfollower72 Posts: 95
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Karen and I bought the myfitnesspal iPhone app a couple of weeks ago. I've been married to my husband for 16 years and we have 2 kids (one boy and one girl).
As you might have guessed from my username I'm a born again Christian (for almost 9 years) and I'm learning to rely on God's love instead of food for comfort. My issues are specifically centered around rejection (both real and imagined) and food doesn't "reject" so it has always been my "safe place". It's hard to undue 37 years of bad habits, especially when I'm not aware of just how much I'm eating or why I'm really eating.
My goal is to learn how to maintain my goal weight once I get to it. I'm really good and putting on weight and I know how to loss weight, but I've never been able (in my adult life) to just maintain it. I'm either going up or down.
Anyway, thanks for reading my post!


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