Are you around 50? How much exercise can you do?

Hi, I'm 47 and I notice a very distinct limit to my physical abilities. If I exercise intensely for 3 days in a row, I'm exhausted on day 4 and need to rest. Yet I see many people exercise loads every single day of the week. Is it a question of age? Or am I just unfit, and (hopefully) will improve over time?


  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    I normally work out 5 days a week; Monday-Friday and take the wekend off, although I end up walking, doing yard work, etc... and earn exercise calories. I know many older folks who take a day off in between (I.e. workout Mon, Tues, off Wed, on again Thurs and Fir and make Sat optional and off Sun) it works for them. Do what you can without making so it is a chore and you on't want to go.... maybe go lighter on some days and heavier than others....
  • thunderhorse58
    thunderhorse58 Posts: 7 Member
    at age 57 i started on 5 mins a day walking steady, built up over 2 years i can now do around 2 or 3 hours a day, 5 days a week comfortable, a variety of walking, cycling, yoga, EASA sport fitness.. and lost 40 pounds this year since march
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Don't compare yourself to others and listen to your body. We are all individuals after all :) Happy exercising!!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    You will improve over time.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I guess it depends on the intensity. I can run 2-6 miles a day (now after well over a year of training) and I only need a rest day every few weeks. Now that I am training for a 1/2 M and the long runs and even some of the short runs are longer, I need 1 rest day a week, and a light day where I ride my bicycle at a leisurely pace. I guess it is more about the time spent. 2 miles only takes me about 20 minutes with a warm-up and cool-down. A 10 mile run takes about 90 minutes. And I would add, if you are doing a lot of strength training, that is a different sort of tired, and I suggest working different muscle groups on alternating days.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm 51 I think the more you do the fitter you will get ! I started doing body pump twice a week and now do cardio 2-3 times a week pump twice a and weights 3 times a week and rest at the weekend
  • ElizaDnl
    I normally work out 5 days a week; Monday-Friday and take the wekend off, although I end up walking, doing yard work, etc... and earn exercise calories. I know many older folks who take a day off in between (I.e. workout Mon, Tues, off Wed, on again Thurs and Fir and make Sat optional and off Sun) it works for them. Do what you can without making so it is a chore and you on't want to go.... maybe go lighter on some days and heavier than others....

    Older folks ... sigh ... well, I guess I was asking for it:bigsmile:

    It's not a chore at all, never, I love it, I'm just frustrated that I can't seem to do all the things I want to do.

    Thanks to everybody who's replied, seems that there's still hope for me :-)
  • RunXstrong
    I achieved a goal to be a faster runner and stronger person at 50 than any other time and I update and achieve the same goal every year. I place 3rd overall (not only just winning my age group) in a 5K race recently. I don't find being over 50 is very limiting physically, although it probably takes more work for the same result, and you have to be more careful about warming up and stretching.
  • bluefish49
    bluefish49 Posts: 102 Member
    Every person is different. I try to use an old government trick - incrementalism. Once I feel comfortable at something, I boost the pace on the treadmill by 1/10, or increase the weights by 10 lbs., or add one exercise or machine. I also had to learn moderation - once I found myself spending 3+ hours in the gym every time I visited, and at one point I burned out on my gym enthusiasm. Now I limit it to half that.
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    I train for six days every week. Lifting heavy for about an hour. My physical limitations are immense, apart from the huge weight I used to carry, I need a new knee (bone to bone) and I think if I can do it, most people who have determination to do it can do it too. Friend me if you like.
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    I will be 51 in December and YES when I first started to workout again I noticed an undesirably marked difference in my strength. WELL, the only one that can change that is ME.. 6 months later STRONGER every day!!!
    Hi, I'm 47 and I notice a very distinct limit to my physical abilities. If I exercise intensely for 3 days in a row, I'm exhausted on day 4 and need to rest. Yet I see many people exercise loads every single day of the week. Is it a question of age? Or am I just unfit, and (hopefully) will improve over time?
  • mathteacher2010
    mathteacher2010 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 59; have never been super athletic or active. But now I do TRX workouts 3x per week, and walk or work around the house other days. I knew I was losing a lot of inches, but it wasn't until I did a fundraising walk a couple of weeks ago that I realized that my general fitness is also much better. After I finished the walk I realized that I didn't have to stop on the hills to catch my breath! I also notice that I don't get nearly as winded on the stairs, etc.

    It's never too late! :drinker:
  • Kiswinning
    Kiswinning Posts: 35 Member
    Don't compare yourself to others and listen to your body. We are all individuals after all :) Happy exercising!!

    I agree with this, we are all different. I started with walk away the pounds 3x a week and worked my way up.
    I just finished Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and now I'm jogging and looking into other DVD's. I'm 49.
    Keep moving to your ability.
  • blankcanvas
    I'm 54 and discovered Leslie Sansone DVDs. I like the5 mile walk one because it's broken up to 1 mile increments that I can mix and match. I usually only take off on Sunday morning. I've been doing it over a month, daily, and I'm just now, FINALLy seeing some toning and results in my body. I think as we get older it takes longer tosee results unfortunately..Good Luck!
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    I Workout 6-7 days per week. Three times a week I run and the balance I walk. I'll be 51 in March & hope to do a 1/2 marathon before then!
  • patmat
    I am 52 and I train three days of weight training and four days of cardio. I use these methods for cardio; walk, treadmill, elipticle and stantionary bike, or zumba. My lower limit for cardio is 30 minutes and my pper limit is 60 minutes. If I don't lift because I incresed my weight, I will do an extra day of cardio. I usually feel well, like I had a good workout, but once in a while I feel exhausted. It takes sometime to build up endurance, but once you get there it is a good feeling.
    Keep moving..thats the key to doesn't matter how long...what matters is how good you feel and any movement is a benefit.
  • jimmacdonald
    jimmacdonald Posts: 93 Member
    I am 57 just finished a 100 mile century bike ride in 7.5 hours.
    Two years ago 5 miles was hard. One day at a time.

    I bike 4 to 5 days a week usually 20 to 39 miles each ride at about 14 or 15 miles an hour.

    So great to be fit.

  • Lidenbrock
    I'm 49. Walk to and from work at approx 4mph 5 days a week (5 mile round trip) and cycle at least one of the days at the weekend - journey dependent on how hectic week has been - teacher so on feet all day. Cycle trip varies between 12 miles to 36 miles.
  • dragonfly_em
    dragonfly_em Posts: 122 Member
    heading towards 50, trying to make up for 10 years of very little exercise. Over the past 2 years i have built up on from nothing to aiming to do something every day and usually achieving it. i don't count regular daily activities like housework and gardening, and average about 12hrs good activity/week - but varied. A couple of days with long intense sessions, then an hour most days. A good mix of cardio, strength and core - classes, dvds and stuff on my own. I also do an hour with a PT once a week which i'd highly recommend - his feedback and guidance have been invaluable. And finally - a sport massage every 6 weeks - an expensive luxury but works miracles
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm 52 and exercise 5 - 6 times a week, a combination of the gym, running and cycling. Six months ago I would sweat buckets and get sore from walking round the supermarket and when I first started going to them gym there was pain, oh so much pain. Now there isn't so much, although still have days when my thighs complain and pretty much go on strike, but it's good pain. Listen to your body, make sure you have recovery days and you will build up to it.