teaching my daughter about body image

I have two kids, a daughter and a son - but my duaghter is the one that i worry about in terms of how to teach her to have a healthy view of her body and a good sense of self esteem when it comes to her body. My husnbad and i are not obese - I have about 10 lbs to lose and he has about 20 - but my aprents are both mordibly obese, with diabestes, high BP, all the metabolic issues associated with wieght - and so she will have genetics working against her.. I am definitely not obsessive about food and exercise although i do talk about helathy eating with her and do work out every day at home - so she sees that - and asks me about it - but still - witht he focus on skinny mini celebs and models i just want to make sure that i am adequately preparing her - i am rambling ...
anybody have thoughts about this?


  • xStargazerx
    It is hard. I have two little girls and I have gained a lot of weight from each pregnancy. I am trying to teach them about healthy eating habits and being active. I let them try new activities so they can find things that are interesting for them. My youngest is 2 y/o and I am enrolling her in parent and me gymnastics and my oldest in dance again. If they find something they like they will stick with it and live a healthy lifestyle while knowning and eating foods that are good for them. Good luck. I know the body image concept is hard. I would just let her know that it is not ok to be unhealthy weights and maybe showing her what her ideal weights are. I'm still pondering that idea with my daughter so please let me know if you come up with something.