I'm Excited!

Hello I just signed up for yesterday. This is a great sight. This is my first time being a part of a forum. I am joining because I am looking for encouragment to keep me joining and in return I hope to encourage others. I currently weight 185 lbs. My goal is to lose 25 lbs. I am really going to try and focus on my goal. I face so many challenges like I am sure many of you do. My biggest downfall is eating. I can do good with breakfast and lunch, but dinner with the famly is my challenge. Of course, I am the biggest one in the family. No one seems to gain weight but me. So they want to eat any and everything. I love food so I have a heard time resisting what they want to eat. I guess you can say I don't have much willpower. I am really excited about my weight loss goal and hopefully this will help me to resist the food or at least control my portion size........ I am looking forward to our weight loss journey together!


  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello & Welcome Cateyez, you have on MFP more than an efficient amount of help with all of the subjects you can read up on participate/join & you can even post your own question. I wish you all the best.:smile:
