
cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Howdy, I'm new here but already I love this website. It's just the kind of geeky, stat-driiven, web 2.0 thing that gets me excited. I'm not a regular dieter, but I'm trying to change that. Rather, I'm trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I've always been pretty significantly overweight (except for a brief period in my 20's when I seemed to effortlessly lose a bunch of weight. Lately, I had just given up caring all together.

That changed about a week ago when I dusted off the scale and was mortified to see just how much I weighed. I got online, started looking around and found this place, and I'm loving it. Just the simple act of cataloging everything I eat has made me much more aware and I've managed to drop a couple pounds already in just a weeks time. I've even convinced my wife and my mother to give this website a try and they are enjoying it as well.

A friend gave us a Wii for X-mas and I'm looking forward to burning off some calories. I just picked up EA Active today and it seems to be pretty intense. My current short-term goal is to hit 330 as soon as possible so I can make use of the Wii Fit balance board (which my wife is currently enjoying).

The primary motivation for all of this is the simple fact that I'm realizing just how terrible I feel all the time, largely due to my diet. I've felt better this last week of eating healthy than I have in years. That, plus the fact that I have a beautiful 3yr old daughter that I want to set a good example for and to be around for as much of her life as possible.

That's pretty much it. :)

~ Chris


  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello Chris & welcome, yeah sometimes that's all it takes seeing or hearing those numbers or getting negative news about something in your body whether it be an organ or something, even seeing yourself in a photo looking really big & not noticing until that very moment you are obese, and certainly wanting to change that feeling & perception. A life style change it certainly is if you want results for life in a healthy way that will not bring equal to worse symptoms than had you not give yourself over to crash dieting & or all the other terrible practices some people may use as far as Anorexia/Bullemia, pills whatever else under the sun. I wish you all the best in your journey for a complete & lasting Lifestyle change.

  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    hahahaha funny I deleted the second exact post to not throw off
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