I am so terrified of hanging skin.



  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    I know that I can lose the weight. I know that eating well and working out will get me there - I’ve experienced it and I know it in my mind, but I am absolutely terrified. I am so afraid that because of my weight (190lbs, give or take) and the large amount of stretch marks on my thighs and hips (all from at least nine or ten years ago, during puberty) that my skin will never be elastic enough to let me feel good in my skin.

    I’m not afraid of failure, I’m not afraid of success -

    I’m afraid of the end result. Even with working out, even with a healthy diet, I can’t undo what has happened to my body. It would be years and years before I could ever afford surgery for hanging skin or for “tucking”.

    At least at my current weight, my skin is semi-firm around the fat that has developed.

    I am so scared of what I will look like without the fat. I am constantly told that no amount of exercising, flexing, strength training, you name it will make up for the hanging skin I might have. I am constantly told that I will never be firm in my new body. I am told these things by a close friend who is a personal trainer.

    It makes me wonder, why even bother?

    I know that is such a poor attitude to have and it's only 10% of how I feel most of the time.

    Does anyone have any information or experience with this? :frown: :embarassed: I feel like I've been self-sabotaging myself out of this ridiculous fear. For those who have hanging skin, is it worth it? Anyone have any tips to prevent it or what can be done in the case of it happening?

    One you are not that big, too you are young. If you do get loose skin, it won't be that much. I am way fatter than you and I know I will have loose skin. But I am older than you and have damaged my body beyond repair. And guess what? Loose skin is better than being fat an unhealthy. You can save your money and get plastic surgery if it really bothers you that much.
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    I'd much rather have hanging skin, than fat. Think about it. Why are you losing weight? It should be so you can be healthier. If you just want to put on a bikini and shove it up your friends' *kitten* then go for it. As you mature you will see that a healthier you is a better you. Don't flaunt your weight loss. Cover yourself (slightly tighter clothes will hold in some of that skin), wear appropriate clothing and be happy.

    If a guy wants you he won't mind the skin. You can still be sexy with a little flabby skin. You can work on tightening it up as you go. Don't be a vessel for someone's sperm. Dont shove you weightloss up your friends' *kitten* by flaunting your skinny body, Just be happy, and do your thang. Stay in your lane.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Just think - if you play your cards right, you might be able to glide from tree to tree.

    On a serious note -

    -your friend who is a personal trainer is also a jackazz. Nobody knows how "firm" you will be in your new body & for somebody to "constantly" proclaim that they do know is moronic. It's also destructive.

    It's really simple though - worst case scenario, you have two choices: Firm & chubby or droopy and healthy. Which do you prefer? I know for me I hate the state of obesity more than anything in the world. I'll take my batwings and fly.
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    You, my friend, are wonderful. Thanks for encouraging her.
  • packerlandmom
    I have a little bit of a bat wing issue, a little thigh sagging and a bit of a tummy pooch from losing 70 lbs. But Most areas tightened up. Still better than before by a long shot.
  • KatieG1827
    KatieG1827 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started a private fitness regimen and they said that when you lose weight, it usually takes 14-28 days for your skin to catch up, especially when losing quickly. The thing that helps is drinking lots of water, lots of lotion, and lots and lots of toning. If you replace some of that fat with muscle, your skin won't have so far to go. I have to say that I am in the same boat with 60+ pounds to lose, but I look at the end result of being more healthy, having more energy, and hopefully getting back into sports and that all outweighs the skin factor. Keep truckin' girl!
  • DCHound
    DCHound Posts: 12
    Everyone's different. Loose skin seems to depend on age, highest weight, yo-yo dieting and mostly on genetics. But there are things you can do to help your skin firm back up. I have done a lot of research on this and wrote a book, available on Amazon, at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009MT4588/ref=nosim?tag=firlooski-20&linkCode=sb1&camp=212353&creative=380549 as well as a website, http://www.firmlooseskin.com/

    Loose skin isn't great but it also isn't the end of the world. It's worth it to lose the weight and worry about skin later. Your health definitely comes first. Best of luck on your diet!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I feel your pain. I'm 21 and have lost almost 40 lbs since January. I notice that the more I lose, the looser the skin on my stomach is. This is already the spot I'm most self conscious about so this is not helping any. My mom keeps telling me that since I'm young it will get better, but I just have a hard time believing that!! Alls I can do is hope that it gets better as time goes and hopefully it'll firm up!

    I agree with what everyone else is saying; better to be healthy and have a bit of saggy skin than to be overweight and unhealthy! You got this girl!