Question for the lifters ab cardio

I lift 3 days a week. I was wondering what you did on ur off days? I take once a week completely off. One day this week I did yoga & walk a mile & half, the other I did a short interval workout. I don''t what I wanna do 2moro, but I was wondering if it was ok to go light on cardio? I was told by a person who seems to kno exactly what he's talkin ab that cardio can actually burn muscle while ur on a deficit. I dont want to hurt my progress. I thought about just walking again 2moro. And only doing intervals once a week. Opinions?


  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Cardio is an optional way to burn calories. It can be replaced with eating less as far as body comp goes. It isn't extremely likely to burn muscle.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    While what your friend said was technically correct, what you're doing isn't going to burn muscle. Yoga and walking are things I do on my "off" days as well. I give everything you're doing right now an A++
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Cardio is an optional way to burn calories. It can be replaced with eating less as far as body comp goes. It isn't extremely likely to burn muscle.

    I'm eating on a deficit right now, a small one. I try to aim for 250, but it normally ends up being 350-400. I'm trying to work on that tho. I just never know how much I'm gonna burn in a day, then I hook up my bodymedia & realize I could have eaten a little more. I'm a little scared to gain weight, so I avoid getting too close to the number it gives for my TDEE, cuz I'm afraid of inaccuracy.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    While what your friend said was technically correct, what you're doing isn't going to burn muscle. Yoga and walking are things I do on my "off" days as well. I give everything you're doing right now is A++

    I was doing sum hardcore cardio, like intense kickboxing & HIIT really often, but I've since stopped. I dont think cardio is going to help me anymore since I'm 5'5 125.6lbs. I think I burned a lot of muscle off doing tht stuff paired with not eating enough. I wanna preserve the muscle I have left, get my BF% down & do a bulkin phase when I get to an acceptable BF%.
    Thank u! I'm sort of happy I can just take it easy on my off days with light cardio. I'm really hoping doing this give me the changes my body needs.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I've heard it touted that cardio promotes muscle wasting, but all the scientific literature I've read suggests that it doesn't for example.

    I do something every day because I like the way cardio makes me feel and I like to eat a lot.

    Also, as someone else noted...cardio is energetically equivalent to eating less, so I don't think it promotes muscle loss any more than a calorie deficit created by eating less does (the calorie deficit by itself DOES promote muscle loss)

    ETA: I also have a much higher than average muscle mass. It's probably genetic, since I've always been smaller for my weight. I did lose some muscle when I was training for my first half marathon, but I wasn't lifting. When I lift consistency I don't seem to lose much, if any, muscle.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    For a regular person, good nutrition along with a lifting program prevents muscle loss from cardio. Eat a minimum of 1g protein/lb LBM (usually in the range of 100-120 g for women) and your plan is fine. The "You're gonna lose muscle!!!" is kind of alarmist and pretty easily preventable. I wouldn't worry about it if your nutrition is on point, since you're already lifting.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Intense cardio or long stretches of moderate cardio can catabolize muscle, even quicker while on a caloric deficit. Intense training will cause a spike in cortisol which can promote muscle catabolism.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Intense cardio or long stretches of moderate cardio can catabolize muscle, even quicker while on a caloric deficit. Intense training will cause a spike in cortisol which can promote muscle catabolism.

    So I AM better off just doing like walking or yoga on my non lifting days?
  • Anadrol2902
    your body will burn muscle just from weight loss pro bodybuilders loose muscle
    when they lower there bodyfat
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Intense cardio or long stretches of moderate cardio can catabolize muscle, even quicker while on a caloric deficit. Intense training will cause a spike in cortisol which can promote muscle catabolism.

    So I AM better off just doing like walking or yoga on my non lifting days?

    Correct. These activities will have no detrimental effects on your muscle strength or size
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Intense cardio or long stretches of moderate cardio can catabolize muscle, even quicker while on a caloric deficit. Intense training will cause a spike in cortisol which can promote muscle catabolism.

    So I AM better off just doing like walking or yoga on my non lifting days?

    Yes, or take 2 solid rest days per week. Cortisol is the enemy. Sleep and rest lower cortisol back down to normal level.