
Does anyone else feel awkward when people comment on your weight loss? I don't feel weird when anyone compliments anything else about me and I'm not a shy person whatsoever. It's the same feeling I'd get as if someone were to tell me I've gained some weight, it almost feels rude to me. Am I alone in this?


  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I feel weird when I get compliments all together, not just weight compliments but that "Have you lost weight" stage is way over for me, if people don't know I've lost weight, they obviously don't know me because 120lbs is a lot to lose.

    I have gone a long time without hearing many compliments my life, so when I hear people compliment me I've had to learn how to accept them with a smile instead of a "Who me? Pshh yeah ok, whatever." comeback.

    I do though, find the "Have you lost weight." to be kinda rude, I mean really if someone hasn't then are you saying that they should? I think weight comments of any type are kinda rude unless the person is making a comment on themselves. Example: Today at work a guest at my table said that the triple chocolate melt down was not on her diet. I replied "If you are trying to watch your weight or are wanting to lose weight or whatever don't bother with dieting, you can lose and control your weight with just counting your calories. If you are ever around a computer or have a smart phone, you should look up, I use it to count my calories and workout calories burned. I've dropped 120lbs by using this. I also have their app on my phone." that to me is ok. She sounded as if she wanted to talk about her diet. I got her on the subject of dieting and why they don't really work. She then said "I'm just trying to watch what I eat." which ok, whatever some do that I don't but to each their own.
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    Does anyone else feel awkward when people comment on your weight loss? I don't feel weird when anyone compliments anything else about me and I'm not a shy person whatsoever. It's the same feeling I'd get as if someone were to tell me I've gained some weight, it almost feels rude to me. Am I alone in this?

    Not at all. To me when someone compliments me on my loss it simply means that they notice that I am smaller then the last time they saw me. To me it doesn't imply that they thought i was fat before or something.
  • Wiggs1619
    Wiggs1619 Posts: 6 Member
    I usually take a compliment as a good thing. The folks I know, don't say anything when they notice you're gaining, but do say nice things when they notice you're losing. I guess sometimes I get compliments even when I haven't lost weight, but my attire makes it looks like I have. Those are the ones I discount. I've just gotten serious about using MFP again so I"m all for looking ahead to the compliments. Earlier today I got one in the gym and it just motivated me to keep working intensely. If you really don't like the compliments you can always just tell someone you think their comments are inappropriate or not welcome.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Many compliments are for things I had nothing to do with... like the color of my eyes. Or easy things, like a pretty shirt... I didn't make it. But I earned the compliments for a thinner, more fit body. So they're easier. Just say "thank you".
    And when someone just asks if I've lost weight instead of giving a compliment, I say "thank you, it was intentional" -- to reassure anyone who might think there was an underlying illness, although I hope I look healthier too.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Nah. I'm just delighted that someone notices, and my hard work is paying off. I don't need anyone to notice, but it is nice when they do. :)