42 pounds lost and 140 more to go.

So I thought I would share a photo at my first goal. It took longer than needed to get to this goal as I develloped SEVERE anemia.Ive always been heavy due to having hypothyroidism but when I married a newfoundlander and started eating the same portions he was and started to work in a call center I ballooned to 365 pounds(4X or a TIGHT size 28-30). I managed to lose around 30 pounds then my anemia hit and I went from dancing circles around my friend to barely being able to walk to work. I would get SUPER short of breath and get HUGE chest pain. I was so scared and doctors wouldnt take me seriously. I would tell them YES Im fat but Im in SHAPE, I friggin 5 star thriller for michael jackson the experience for god sakes. I am not the weak person who can barely make it to work!. I finally got a doctor to take me seriously(Had to go to a walk in clinic for it) and she did all the blood work and found out my red blood cell count was 30(Its supposed to be 125 or higher) and my heart was enlarged due to it trying to pump blood through my body. It took a LONG time to get back to a moderate energy level. Ive always been tired all my life due to my thyroid and then having anemia didnt make things easy but I managed to MAINTAIN during that whole ordeal. Even with my few little emotional eating binges. But I finally decided enough was enough. I cant wait for my energy to get back up to lose the weight. I need to eat well and slowly start exercising to get that energy back up. and Ive lost 12 pounds since then for a total of 42 pounds. i wanted to take the pic at exactly the 40 pound mark but lost another two pounds before going shopping! :).

I tried on my jeans and I was just wishing to fit a size 22 again(Size I was when I met my husband) I tried the jeans on(In the photo) And they fit fine but the leg was still a bit loose.She said she was going to get me a 20 to try. I was adamant I wouldnt fit it. She brought it anyway and I put it on and EASILLY zipped it up! I havent fit a size 20 since high school!. I also bought a supergirl workout tank at waltmart that is a XL!! Its TIGHT but it FITS!! Im so excited. It feels so good. And next month I start a day shift at work and am planning on getting a YMCA membership(Its right between my work and home)

I still have a LONG trip to go but I have a good support system going and Im learning great habits and breaking old bad ones as I go.




  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 113 Member
    absolutely good for you! dont look at it as how much farther you have to go -- but how far you've come and all that youve learned thus far! keep up the good work!
  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    Are the photos showing up properly? I just resized them but its not updating for me oddly enough.
  • rjrn
    rjrn Posts: 14 Member
    great work!! keep it up!
  • Snotori
    Snotori Posts: 156
    Great job so far and keep up the great work :)
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