What Do You Do ? xx

SugarMummy2010 Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Everyone :smile:

Just wanted to pick your brain's . . I am on day 3 of my diet and I am coming up to that nasty bit - Headache - shakes - mood swings etc.
Sooo . . . was just wondering doe's anyone else experiance this?

Also my craving's are really nagging :grumble: - it seems that I can't concentrate on anything just think about food all the time!!
Can anyone give me any ideas on what they do when they feel like giving up just for that one bite of something naughty?
What gets you through it? :smile:

Hope everyone is having a good day :smile:

Sam xxx


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    if you're having headaches, shakes, and mood swings, something's off! That just doesn't seem normal to me. The only time I experience that, is when my blood sugar is dangerously low. Just because you are dieting, doesn't mean you need to be hungry... EVER. Remember: Food doesn't make us fat. Food CHOICES make us fat. You can pig out on a mountain of fruits and veggies for the same amount of calories as a lonely cheeseburger. KWIM?

    As far as the cravings go, try chewing some gum, and make sure you're getting 3-4 quarts of water every day. Chewing gum has saved me many times from making a bad food choice, especially when it comes to my sweet tooth.
  • flbeachbuddy
    flbeachbuddy Posts: 77 Member
    First thing is to drink lots of water.

    Second, I'm certainly no expert, but it sounds like you are not eating enough. Starving isn't the answer. If you want something bad, go look up the calories and measure it. I like Stacy's pita chips, but usually can eat away at them. I started measuring them - a scale with grams is a worthwhile investment - and then eat them very slowly.

    While I am very large now, I have used many kinds of diets (hungry all the time) and they don't work. Eating better does. Try smaller meals spaced throughout the day.
  • When I first started 3 months ago, I would have cravings like that. What I would do is get on myfitnesspal, read all the message boards, and post on some of them. Before I knew it, a lot of time had gone by and it was almost time for a meal. I still get the cravings sometimes, but I feel so good about having lost some of the weight that I can get through it.

    I agree with DrBorkBork - if you're having headaches, etc., maybe you've gone too far with cutting down your calories. Make sure your goals are realistic - more than a pound a week is too much. I still allow myself treats - I just make sure I exercise enough to stay within my goal for the day.

    Remember, myfitnesspal is not really a diet - it's a lifestyle change. Even after I reach my target weight, I plan to continue to keep track of my food choices to make sure I'm not eating too much of the wrong things. When I joined up, I discovered that I was actually eating pretty well, just way too much of it.

    Good luck to you. You can do it! It's worth it!

  • Thank you so much for all your advice :smile: xx

    You have given me things to think about - and one thing is to not think of it as a diet - a lifestyle change is much better :smile: - maybe that is why I fail so many times!

    I have been drinking 8 glasses of water a day :drinker: so I will carry on with that - maybe I have been a bit harsh on myself - restricting myself when really i can maybe have it just not as much :smile:

    Thank you so much again - It's like i have a totally new way of looking at it :smile: xxxxx
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    How many calories a day are you eating and what kind of stuff? I have to have sweets or I feel like I am deprived and life isn't worth living etc. etc. So about an hour after dinner, I have cherry diet jello which is hardly any calories and fat free yoghurt on top 3/4 c. and then an hour later I have a diet hot chocolate with 2 oz of 2% milk. This is what get me through the day. Not terribly exciting but I love it.
    This way I don't feel deprived at all. It feels like my sweet tooth and chocolate cravings are satisfied. I sometimes have diet chocolate pudding instead of jello. Yes I am pretty wild.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Try some variations in your eating to see what works well for you. I usually eat a high protein breakfast. Today I had granola and some juice. By 10:30 I was hungry and my sugar was dropping. I won't have that again for breakfast!
  • If you are feeling shaky and have mood swings, try having a bowl of oatmeal (Quaker old fashioned oats, not the packets of the sugary stuff or quick oats) I add chopped walnuts and freeze dried fruit to mine and a little brown sugar. Have that it will help regulate you blood sugar if its low. Also, there is so much fiber in it you will feel really full, for not very many calories! If this is going to put you over fro the day, you should still have it.... no point in feeling crummy. If you feel crummy, you'll quit... I know i've been there!!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    sounds to me like you need to eat more- Remember that a cup of spinach is 15 or less calories so you need eat alot of spinach to build up your calories..

    Eating Healthy you have to think a little more about your food to make sure you get enough calories especially if you are eating clean. Aim to eat 4-6 small meals a day- Drink your water and you will be good to go.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    If I were you I would take a step back and re-evaluate. Lifestyle change means life, not till my wedding day, or spring break, or summer. etc Life! The fact that you are having headaches, and shakes also tells me something is off. Your body is fighting back. And being uncomfortable is not a receipe for success.

    I still give in to my cravings, but they are scheduled and limited, and that helps me stay on track.

    When i first started, I picked one bad thing in my current diet and focused on eliminating or drasticly reducing my consumption of it. Once I found a proper substitute and became comfortable with it I moved on to something else to eliminate or reduce.

    Some stuff I've never resumed eating, like a chicken cabanera at Quizno's. In fact I havn't set foot in a Quizno's in a year. Other things lke a fully leaded Mt Dew I just like too much. So I've restricted my consumption of it to 1 a week.

    Take baby steps, you'll get there, and you'll be a whole lot more comfortable doing it.
  • MrsSandra
    MrsSandra Posts: 26 Member
    I think adding protein to your meals and snacks would help with the shakiness. I get some of the symptoms you mentioned and it means my blood sugar is down.

    I have to add protein to every meal and snack. A handful of almonds, a string cheese, hard boiled egg (just egg whites to save calories). The protein will help. for example; an orange and a string cheese. an apple and a hard boiled egg.

    I cant have cereal, pancakes or waffles in the morning, (unless there is a protein) because my blood sugar will drop.

    Also eating every three hours works well. more small meals/snacks.

    hope things get better for you soon!
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