emotional rollercoaster

hello everyone, my name is Robert. What I have had happen to me, i think happens to alot of people, mainly, i was unprepared for the emotional outflow that would come from losing weight. I am 72 days in mfp, and let me tell you, i went from being a bitter, self hating person, who people probably didnt want to be around, to an outgoing, self confident person. While all this sounds great, the downside is that it created some emotional baggage i wasnt prepared for. I have been married for 23 years to a wonderful woman. My problem was, she is still stuck in the way i used to be. I want her to help herself like i am helping myself, but she is coming around alot slower than i am. The mistake i made was that i thought i couldnt tell her all of my emotional feelings, so i found a woman friend and starting talking to her on the phone. I told her how i hated myself and was eating myself to death, and shared my most private thoughts, and although we never crossed the line in our conversations, I found that i attached my emotional baggage to this person. You could say that I became emotionally attached to this person. We shared the highs and lows together, something i should be doing with my wife. I have since recognized what has happened to me, and I am talking to my wife about what happened, she is understanding and realizes the rollercoaster i have been on. So i wonder if this is some personality flaw within me, or does this happen alot more than people realize? Changing your body and accepting what caused you to not care about yourself opens many emotional doors, and i guess we need to find a healthy outlet to place these emotions. I hoped this helped some people--good luck on your journey, i know its full of ups and downs--smile, someone loves you the way you are.