Running and Carbs

I've always heard that serious running requires serious carbs. I'm not a runner, but I've started running in the past few months, and have built myself up to a 5K. I've lost 24 pounds so far, but of course the midsection is where I'm slowest in losing the flab, so I've been considering lowering my carb input, but I wonder how that will affect my energy level when running. Any low-carb runners out there with advice for me?


  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I eat pretty low carb and I run. I don't have any problems with energy level.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    At the volume of miles you are running, it shouldn't be a big deal, unless you go super low. Even at that, the effect may be transitory.

    Unless you are eating like 80% carbs, I doubt that changing your carb intake is going to have that much effect on your overall fat loss.
  • CassieLOL
    CassieLOL Posts: 34 Member
    Carbs are better for longer distance runs anyways - I don't stock up on carbs a day before I do a long run and I'm fine. You just have to see what works best for you. (:
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    For 5K, an increase in carbs is unneccessary. I'm not carb sensitive but have to have them before my long runs of 8+ miles.