New male need advice & friends

I just joined to do this along side my wife. She has recently lost 20 lbs.

We have been together 10 years, married 2 and both have gained about 50lbs in the past 10 years.

When I met her I was 170 and in the best shape of my life but let that happiness and laziness kick in.

I am now at 253 and I am 6 feet tall. MFP said for me to eat 2500 calories a day to lose a lb. a week - seem accurate?

Even eating like I do - 3 hot dogs - 3 cans of soda or juice a day - and a sandwich doesnt seem like 2500 calories. I dont know how I am supposed to eat that much.

Any advice? And new friends welcome!


  • plus_chocolate
    You could try a big breakfast. I just know personally I can get a nice amount of calories (not enough to make my daily goal) but more than I got having shakes for breakfast. Also snacking between meals may help as well. Sadly, this is my second time having to go through weight loss. Lucky the first time I was in high school but I got comfortable and so now it is back. I wouldn't get caught up on getting 2500 everyday because it is pretty hard to nail.
  • martintanz
    Focus not just on calories, but salt, sugar, fat, fiber and vitamins.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    don't admit to losing more than your
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Hi there

    Your story is a bit similar to mine although I have been married for over 25 years now. Until 2 months ago I was at 265 pounds, (also 6 feet) which crept up on me over many years. Since you asked for advice specifically, I would suggest thinking much more about what is in the food you eat (esp. focus on protein, healthy fats and complex carbs) rather than simply the number of calories you consume. Your body is a machine that requires various nutrients, vitamins, minerals and these are not equally present in all foods. For example, a soda has plenty of calories (primarily as refined sugar), that does little to meat your vitamin, mineral or protein requirements. I shall not mention the hot dogs:).
    Now two months later and with much better eating I am down over 20 pounds, but more importantly much fitter (since I now also jog and cycle or walk daily). All the weight loss in the world will not get you into better shape, which for me was much more important.
    Feel free to add me if you like. Be well.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    2500 cals is a lot less food than you probably think it is. I'm thinking you don't eat those three hot dogs plain, all by themselves; condiments can add a considerable number of calories, depending on what you dress your 'dog in, as well as the bun. I dunno what kind of soda you're drinking, but that's an easy 600 or so calories a day for 3 cans, unless you're drinking diet (and the artificial sweeteners present their own problems, but I encourage you to do your own research about them).

    Start off just tracking what you eat, don't worry too much about making good choices so much as just getting used to logging your food. After a couple of days logging what you would normally eat, you'll get a better idea of how much you're actually consuming each day, and you'll be able to see where you can make changes. If you have problems with that, well, that's what the community is for.
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    For some good ideas read Bob Harper's book The skinny rules!!! I have been gaining and losing the same weight for years. This is finally the thing that works!!!! Borrow it from a library (thats what I did) Simply rules to get you started and different food ideas (not weird food) to try. Good luck!!
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    Try to cut down on the sodas and drink plenty of water. If you don't like water try adding the flavor packets or Mio to a bottle of water. Also try to eat a balanced meal. Just try eating two hot dogs and adding some veggies or a nice fresh side salad in there. Your eating habits will take time to change. You're just starting out so I won't tell you to stop eating hotdogs and cut out sodas. You will hear this a lot but this is a lifestyle change and habits take time to form. Every little change adds up though!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like!