First Tattoo! Help? LOL



  • I have found that the closer to the bone the least amount of pain. I guess everyone is different. I would suggest the shoulder as most have said. Have them draw it up for you, make sure they understand how you want it colored in/or not, etc. I have drawn the 3 I have and plan on drawing others to come. I have to go back to get one touched up because they didn't do it exactly how I wanted it. I won't be going back to that person. FYI, if they have to call the guy to remind him he has an appointment waiting...reschedule. Don't think he was awake yet!! Good may not be your last. :drinker:
  • I hear the bicep/shoulder for a guy is the least painful. I have a piece that goes around my leg at my calf and think the skin on the back of the calf was way worse than on the bone/shin area. I would recommend avoiding the small joints (ankles/wrists). Best of luck to you.
  • I would not recommend anywhere on the back (to include shoulders) for a first tattoo, nor for a small one. My reason for this is that your back is the largest piece of canvas you have on your body, and if your first experience gives you the thirst for more, you will have already used up that real estate on one small and specific theme.

    I have only one tatt - Japanese kanji on my shoulder, and I could think of a few ways to incorporate an Asian themed back piece around it if I ever wanted more (which I don't).

    There are products like Ink-eeze that will mitigate the pain, which is smart! Fact - tattoos hurt. So use some numbing cream and get it wherever you like.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    It will hurt no matter where you get it. Sorry! I just got my latest in July, 4 and 1/2 hours on my shoulder and upper back and it was more painful the lower it got. I have 2 on my ankle and they weren't as bad, but it still hurt like heck.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Over fat and muscle will always hurt less than over bone.
  • 03428
    03428 Posts: 48 Member
    Mine's side of my bum/hip/thigh... quite big for a first one, but trust me, the anticipation is worse than the pain!
    If you find a location you want, go for it! Don't get it somewhere you don't want it because you think the pain won't be as bad... the pain lasts for as long as you're getting the tattoo done, and is over afterwards, the tattoo lasts forever.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    Ask the artist how the tattoo will age, too much ink in not enough space will morph into a blob of ugly ink as you age.

    My hip tattoo didn't hurt at all.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Asking about the level of pain is futile. Everyone's threshold is different.

    As around for artists, go look at their work. Pick a couple and have them draw it up. Choose the best combination of work performed and design. Pay the artists you do not choose for their time.
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    I have a couple of tattoos, one upper hip/bum and the other behind the ear.

    I am also terrified of needles, but when it's something you want done, it's a lot easier than a flu shot or blood test. My first wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Don't let the fear of pain be the deciding factor on where you put it.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I have a butterfly on my left shoulder. I am soon to get a black heart, with the eternity symbol. Not filled in. I had one artist quite me 20.00 but I have since heard he is using meth again... I think I'll pay more and gt someone who is sober. Oh, my new one will be on the dirty spot (tanned from sandles lol) on top of my foot. about 1 to 1.5" tall and wide.
  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member
    I hate needles but to me I dont see the tattoo thing as a needle. The high you get afterwards totally out weighs any pain from it.
  • The one on my foot - see profile pic - hurt the most of the 4 i've got! In fact it fricking hurt a lot!!!!! Been told feet are most painful place to get them!
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    That's really cute! I personally, would never get my partners name on me and vice versa.

    I have his dogs paw on my hip and that really hurt!! I was sweating so bad haha need to get it finished though. Another half hr of pain.

    Wrist hurts too. Ribs are meant to as well and i want writing done there eventually....

    Whatever you do, don't get one on your lower back. They don't look nice there
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I hate needles but to me I dont see the tattoo thing as a needle. The high you get afterwards totally out weighs any pain from it.

    ^ This. Sugar is needed right after though haha at least for me :P
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    The adrenaline rush for me with the first tattoo was so high I didn't notice. First tattoo is about three by three and above my heart. Almost no pain, just a little uncomfortable. My wrists also didn't hurt much. I have one on the side of my leg that wasn't bad but my calf hurt especially up behind my knee. That was awful. No knees haha. But otherwise....just stay away from rib cage and bony areas and you should be good.
  • K_Smith86
    K_Smith86 Posts: 123
    Regardless of where you get it, it will hurt. But after a few minutes, for some people the area just goes numb. At least that's what happened with me. I'm terrified of needles. However I have 2 tattoos, and am talking to an artist tomorrow about a third. I have one on the top of my right foot, and it really didn't hurt that bad. It did at first, but I kept myself busy - talked to a friend who came with me, and talked to the artist while he was doing it. Kept me distracted, and before I knew it, he was done. I did that one first, because I knew I wanted a large piece on my back. That one hurt more to be honest. It's on my left shoulder blade, and I cried with that one. But it was well worth it. The one I plan on getting next will be on the top of my left foot, but will be quite a bit larger than the one on my other foot.

    Like others have said, don't get it based upon where you think it will hurt the least. Get it where you want it. And scope out local artists, and trust your gut when you're in there. The last thing you want is a messed up tattoo. Trust me. Best of luck! :)
  • crazyivan19
    crazyivan19 Posts: 14 Member
    My main recommendation is to make an appointment with the artist ahead of time to accomplish two things: 1) get a tour of the studio and go through a mental checklist of what matters most to you (cleanliness, general vibe, etc.), and 2) talk about your ideas and get a sketch drawn up. In that conversation, also try and get a feel for whether or not the artist "wants" to do the piece. While the best tattoo artists don't need to be inspired to do a great job, it definitely doesn't hurt to have the artist completely onboard with your vision and have a general interest in bringing your thoughts to life.

    Also, if you have the time and the artist is willing, sit with him or her when they do the sketch. That way you can avoid some of the back and forths associated with fine-tuning the piece because you can give immediate feedback, and you can confirm that the artist can actually draw the piece without the need of tools (like stencils). If they can sketch it by hand, the transfer to your skin will be much closer to what you want.

    All of this comes from my own experience (I have 4 tattoos) and from being very close friends with numerous tattoo artists and studios. If the studio you go to says "no" to any of the above, I would seriously consider going to another studio. They are there to fulfill your vision, not the other way around. Don't take any crap from an artist with an ego.

    As for where to put it... honestly, go with what you want. If you do build a repoirt with the artist, it might help to ask him or her about where they think it will look best. Don't worry about the pain. If you place a tattoo because you wanted to avoid pain, you might regret its location later in life. The pain is temporary. One of my tattoos required multiple sittings of several hours, but the rest have all been done in less than an hour. For the piece you are describing, that would be my guess. To deal with pain (that really isn't THAT bad) for an hour is WELL worth it for the tattoo you have envisioned in your head.

    Just my two cents.
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    It all hurts. Anyone who tells you that tattoos don't hurt are lying. My husband and I are very tattooed and we both agree that they hurt. Not sure why we keep going back...maybe we forget haha. Beacuse you are getting one so small, I don't think the location will be any more or less painful. I have one on my foot and down my side and those didn't hurt anymore than the ones on my arm (half sleeve) and wrist. It starts hurting more when you get into multiple sessions and going over spots already tattooed. That hurts way more. I am also scared of needles, but you can barely see the tattoo needle. It is nothing like going to get a shot. Good luck. My husband and I don't have each others names, but we do have a matching one. :)
  • reteed
    reteed Posts: 22 Member
    Think about this --- it's your first tattoo and it has some very significantly special meaning. Put it where YOU want it. It's for the rest of your life. As far as pain, there is none. However, it is bothersome, annoying, whatever adjective you want to use. Pain hurts, and makes you cry because it hurts. A tattoo will not make you cry from pain. You will get annoyed at hearing that little buzz from the needle for thirty minutes or more. You will get tired from being in the same position for thirty minutes or more. Your tattoo will not be sore, but will require you to take some extra care and cleaning of the area. Getting a tattoo and having babies are the same thing. If it was really that bad, people would only have one. My tattoo is a bouquet of roses with my children's initials on a bloom. When my grandkids get here, I will add bumblebees for boys and butterflies for girls with their initials to my bouquet. Good Luck! and Have Fun! with this. Your second tattoo will be coming shortly. :wink: