TapOut XT Started 9/24/12

Okay, I have started the TapOut XT program 6 days ago, so I am on my 7th day. I am trying really hard to stick with the 10-Day nutrition plan, but it is excruciating :frown: . I really like to snack all day and you can not snack on the 10-Day plan. I also can't afford to buy all the necessary ingredients that are required for the full 10-Days, so I have bought some things that will last a few days or so and just ate the same thing each day. I have 3 more days to go and can't wait to start the regular eating plan.

This program is not as intense as Insanity, but just as good in my opinion. I think it focuses more on the abdominals because he does a lot of exercises that require the plank position. With Insanity, I always burn a minimum of 300 calories, but with TapOut XT I have accomplished the 300 calorie threshold once. I do have to say that I stopped a couple of times during the DVD because I am not as fit as I used to be, so that may have contributed to me not getting up to 300 calories burned.

The nutrition plan only gives 20 days worth of meal plans and you can mix and match whenever you wish. It also suggests that you can follow another diet plan. There are no substitutions listed, so you have to make your own judgements.

I will continue with this plan because I LOVE IT :heart: ! I love :heart: the workouts and the trainer. Will keep everyone posted.


  • nlehmann
    nlehmann Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks. this post was very timely. I am looking for a new challenge and came across Tapout the other day. I have done P90X dozens of time, P90X+, P90X2 and Insanity so I thought this would be a good fit for a little change. But I have to say I am a bit bummed you say it is less intense than Insanity. Good Luck and Thanks for the information!
  • loveYOUmore319
    loveYOUmore319 Posts: 79 Member
    My honey just brought this DVD to my attention. I'm doing Insanity right now and was considering doing P90X next but my honey showed me this and it sounds like a lot of fun. How long are the workouts? I'm hoping I'm not disappointed with the DVDs.
  • thump418
    thump418 Posts: 251 Member
    I have integrated some of the tapout excercises in my routine and they are intense, not as intense as insanity but pretty close. I have also done P90X, P90X2, Insanity, and am currently doing Body Beast.
  • Just_Wil
    Just_Wil Posts: 108 Member
    My honey just brought this DVD to my attention. I'm doing Insanity right now and was considering doing P90X next but my honey showed me this and it sounds like a lot of fun. How long are the workouts? I'm hoping I'm not disappointed with the DVDs.

    Workouts are on par with p90x, 45-55 minutes.
  • appi1981
    I've just finished day 81 of tapout xt me and my partner are both in one of the tapout challenge groups we love it muscles are stronger than they've ever been
  • sarani09
    sarani09 Posts: 3 Member
    The workouts are 42-55 minutes long so far. I'm only on week two and one day a week so far, the workout is an hour because you are also doing the abs workout.

    On Day-12 and lost 4lbs so far which is a big deal to me because it is very hard to stay on a diet. As I said before, I am not following the diet plan to a "T". The calories were low for the first 10 days, so now I can bring them back up to 1200-1400 per day. I do see a very big difference in inches more so than weight, which is my main goal. I am not too worried about how much I weigh, just want to see a difference in my waist.

    I'm definitely sticking with this workout. I did Insanity for 60 days about 6 months after I had my daughter. I didn't follow any diet plan at all with it and lost 10 pounds.

    Buy this workout, it's great!

  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I started Tapout XT on the 29th of September, so today is my day 10. I am completely out of shape, so it's a little tough for me. I've already noticed that it is getting easier to do more of the exercises, but I can't keep up with their pace yet. I would agree that the 10 day slim down is tough to follow. There aren't many choices, and a lot of them are fish (not a fan). I'm not supposed to weigh myself until after day 10 (which would be tomorrow), but I have and so far I've lost 9 #. I've been less than perfect in following the diet plan - I even had Chicken Marsala and Mashed Potatoes for dinner one night. So far so good. I just have to keep disciplining myself to "push play" every day.
  • Danasusann
    Danasusann Posts: 11 Member
    It is so hard! Hopefully I can stick with it, but 6 days a week is a bit much. Good luck.
  • van3ssajoy
    How do you guys track this under "exercise"? "Tapout XT" is not an option.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I haven't figured that one out yet. I don't even know how many calories I'm actually burning. :indifferent: I tried adding them to my data base, but since it's hard to decide whether it should be strength or cardio I got frustrated. I just put it in the exercise notes. On the advice of my doctor I'm eating between 1200 & 1500 calories on the days I'm exercising instead of trying to figure out how to "net" 1200. It seems to be working so far. Sorry I don't have any fabulous solution......let me know if you figure something out, please. :smile:
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    It is really hard. Yoga day isn't that bad though, so I kind-of try to think of it as 5 days plus yoga......whatever it takes to make it through the week.

    What do you think about Plyo? I absolutely dread that one! Ugh.....Mike Karpenko is an evil evil man - I think Jillian Michaels must be his long-lost sister. No mercy there - but, I guess that's the point, right? I kind-of look at it as my punishment for taking my body for granted and absolutely destroying it with Pepsi and Snickers Bars........
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    Today was my day 18 so I guess I started on Oct 3rd. I started the day I got home from a family vacation in which I ate like a complete fool and found myself up by six pounds when I got home. Since that day, starting tapout and going back to my better habits, I've gained another two... needless to say I'm miiildly frustrated. I'm hoping to see some difference in measurements on Tuesday as I plan to measure every ten days. I'd give freakin anything to see some changes other that just the fact that I can do Tuck Jumps now...

    Frikkin Plyo... ;)