Hello everyone! Pick me! Pick me!

Hello y'all! I'm Rachel from Atlanta!

I have a ways to go, but I really want to change my life, my health, and be a happy, whole me.

I guess I should start with why I decided to take the plunge...

Well, I don't really talk about emotional things very much *cringe*, so i'll skim over this as quick as I can - about a month ago I went through a terrible breakup. I was depressed and sad for about a week, and then I realized, I can't do this anymore. I. Just. Can't. Something clicked and I knew that I needed to make a change, that I needed to focus on me and only me, what I want, and what makes me happy, and forget everyone else. (that sounds harsh, and if you don't know, it's really hard for some of us southern girls) but... If it makes me selfish, so be it! Making these changes also puts the sad thoughts and 'what if's' out of my head, and refocuses that time and energy into something positive... so win-win, i'd say.

I have been dieting for 3 weeks now, and I added exercise sporadically at first, but I have been doing a solid 45-60 mins cardio and a couple of weight training sessions for about 12 days straight. (I think tomorrow will finally be a rest day). I'm motivated, I haven't cheated. I'm fed up with myself and my own bullsh*t when it comes to diet and exercise, and I want to make a long-lasting change.

Two of my best friends are getting married next year - one in April and one in June, so to motivate myself I am thinking how great it will be for all those people to see the positive steps I've taken in life. The wedding in June is in Scotland (I lived there for 3 years) and I will be reciting a poem at the wedding, so all eyes on me is another motivation (plus the fact that at that point most of the people will not have seen me for 2 1/2 years, so weight loss would be a great surprise!)

I have a long way to go (around 130) and I know I won't have reached my goal by June, but as far as a long-term goal, a friend and I want to go to Peru in 2 year's time. I would love to hike some of the Andes, and see Maccu Piccu..whicih requires me to be in excellent health. I hope to reach my weight goal before this trip. As far as June...well, i'd like to lose 100 pounds by then, but I also know that this is unlikely, and I hope to at least lose around 80.

Ok y'all I know i'm rambling on and on, but if you'd like to chat and keep each other motivated, please don't hesitate to let me know! As you can see by this post, I do not lack in the talking department :-)


  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    Welcome Rachel and good for you for taking your lemons and making lemonade :wink:

    My husband left me almost 7 yrs ago and I've done very little dating since because I can't stand the game, but I did still have hopes, despite how I felt about me. I decided at the beginning of this year to focus on me, me and only me for all of 2012 and I am very glad that I have.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.