according to jillian michaels/bob harper no carbs at dinner



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    If our BMR is 1440 we use 60 calories an hour or 15g of carbs per hour. If dinner was a third of a 2100 calorie intake and 55% of dinner were carbs it would take 6 hours of only basal metabolism to use them up, so I'm not seeing even that level of carbs at dinner causing a prolonged overnight problem.

    If you keep the daily total carbs the same you have to understand the impact of eating 50% more at breakfast and lunch or whatever to see if the whole thing makes a net difference. I suspect the consequence is just less carbs in total.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    so according to these trainers, and also many fitness gurus out there, its recommended we eat no fruit or starchy carbs after 3 pm/dinner...

    yay or nay?
    what are your thoughts?

    Like someone else mentioned re: health conditions. Im one of those people. About 16 years ago, I was hospitalized for borderline insulin shock. My pancreas couldnt shut down. My liver was shutting down (major hepatitis) because it couldnt deal with that much insulin.

    Im a life-long carb restrictive patient. Due to sensitivities, allergies and current medical conditions, I can no longer consume potatoes, rice, corn, pasta, flour, breads, about 90% of fruit, etc. I am limited to one 4oz boiled sweet potato per week and it has to be at breakfast or lunch. The only fruit I can have come from strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries - but even then, no more than one serving and it has to be at breakfast or lunch.

    Dinner needs to be a high protein, vegetable-based carbohydrates, and a healthy portion of healthy fats. I can make a complete meal on 10g of carbohydrates all coming from fresh vegetables. I dont eat anything from 7pm onward (unless I have a late music practice but that doesnt happen all the time thankfully) because I know I will get very sick.

    I am thankful that in the 16 years that has passed, I have not had any pancreatic episodes. Its in conjunction with healthy foods only, a recent reduction in medications (YAY!!!!!!!) and being as active as possible.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    It doesn't sound like a lifestyle change to me, sounds more like a fad diet when someone has to live by rules. Eat every three hours, or don't eat this after 3pm. !!!!

    If you can live like that for the rest of your life, then go to it, but for me, it's not something that I can maintain forever.

    I think a more sound solution would be eating whole, unprocessed foods when you are hungry. If it's at 9pm, and you'd like an apple or 1/2 oz of nuts, do it.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member

    I thought we debunked the " no carbs at night" myth.

    Fruits/carbs are better utilized in the morning and immediately post workout for immediate simple sugars. Other than that it really doesn't matter as long as you meet your daily macros. The only reason I could justify not having carbs later in the evening is to reduce blood insulin levels before bed to allow for a better GH response during sleep.

    You haven't heard? MFP is where myths go to die and then rise from the ashes. Every myth debunked on here comes back about 3 months later and a new battle ensues! It's like clockwork.

    LOL good one :)
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    You haven't heard? MFP is where myths go to die and then rise from the ashes. Every myth debunked on here comes back about 3 months later and a new battle ensues! It's like clockwork.

    Oh! That's how it works! Kind of like how Men's Fitness cycles the same 6 common sense tips in their articles?

    Someone in another thread referred to me as a beef advertisement because I condemn soy and vegetarian diets. I try to be informative and educational but sometimes I think I'm just picking fights. Totally not my intention but it happens.