Naturally thin people

Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
Are there truly naturally thin people? I see some folks who seem to be able to eat whatever they want, whenever they want and don't appear to ever gain weight. I know they may or may not be healthy, but it's the weight thing I'm interested in. What is different in a thin person who doesn't seem to have to be aware of every portion and minute of exercise to maintain an acceptable weight, and a person like me, who needs to exercise good self control and motivation to prevent gaining? Would every person gain weight if they didn't practice this self-control? Do the 'naturally thin' people exercise portion control and motivation to exercise without even having to think about it? Are the obese (like me) just the humans for whom eating without paying attention results in weight gain?


  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    My guess is that it boils down to genetics. i have a friend who can't gain weight to save his life. I'm sure if he ate nothing by junk food and never got off the couch he could put on some pounds, but he's juse one of the lucky folks with a really high metabolism.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    It can have loads of reasons. Genetics, fast metabolism, loads of activity etc.

    I know a girl that is so thin that her doctor sent her to a dietician to gain weight, but no matter how much her dietician makes her eat, she can't gain weight at all.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    It can have loads of reasons. Genetics, fast metabolism, loads of activity etc.

    I know a girl that is so thin that her doctor sent her to a dietician to gain weight, but no matter how much her dietician makes her eat, she can't gain weight at all.

    My sister is like that. They're having a hard time getting her to gain weight even though she's 5 months pregnant. She's only put on 2 pounds so far.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    It's something I used to really struggle to understand when I was younger. It used to really upset me that some people could do whatever they wanted and never gained weight. But I suppose it's just one of those things. I'm always going to be pretty heavy I think, i'm never going to be 'skinny' But I will get down to what i'm comfortable with.

    I almost feel sorry for them now. I can work at getting mt weight down, and manage it, but I know people (like my mum) who find it almost impossible to gain....
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    My son is like that and I have no idea where he got it. Both my husband and myself have to watch absolutely everything we eat because it likes to stick around and stay. My son is a twig! No fair!!!
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    My boyfriend is so thin it's unreal. If he turns sideways he disappears. He can eat and eat and eat and not put on anything. He doesn't do any form of exercise and sits on his *kitten* all day.

    Apparently he has some thyroid thing, I don't know much about it but his metabolism is mega fast.
  • momof2TONI
    My husband is thin as a rail and eats nearly constantly. I only have to look at food and it throws pounds on me. LOL.... not fair!
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    2 Friends like that...Father and Son...Both eat like pigs and drink like fish...And haven`t any bodyfat between them..
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    Here's a great documentary about it:
  • bnjones23
    bnjones23 Posts: 86 Member
    My mother in law is like that! All she eats is junk all day long and has a desk job plus all she does when she gets home is reads, knits, or plays on her laptop! No physical activity ever! She drinks Coke all day everyday and snacks on fruit loops! WTH!! lol! And she is tall and thin, while my father in law struggles to lose weight. Fortunately for my daughter, she has taken after her grandmother.
  • dawson55510
    dawson55510 Posts: 197 Member
    I WISH
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Sure genetics play an important role, but I don't think anyone can just eat anything and everything they want and not gain weight. If you look at most of the people who you think have "good genes" or a "great metabolism," you'll often find that they don't eat so much, after all. Better food, smaller portions, etc.

    Lots of people want to think they were just screwed at birth with bad genes, whereas their thin friend was blessed... And while in reality genes are obviously a factor, more important is what you put in your mouth, and how often you move your body.

  • jiujitsuwarrior
    jiujitsuwarrior Posts: 8 Member
    yes there are naturally thin people, they are the ectomorphs of the world. we all fit into one of three general categories.

    ectomorphs are naturally thin and have a hard time gaining weight. (marathon runners)

    endomorphs are naturally large and have a hard time losing weight ( offensive line football players)

    mesomorphs are those in the middle that can either gain or lose weight quickly ( this is the most coveted by me, the actors who can go from skinny to huge and ripped in a matter of a few months, like Hugh Jackman or Chris Hemsworth)
  • suemoony
    suemoony Posts: 25 Member
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I was extremely thin (5'9" 110lbs) when I was younger despite eating an amount of food that would shame the average elephant, however, getting older and a more sedentary life has put me at more of a healthy weight (153.8 currently). I do log everything I eat, and I exercise a lot, but I still eat much more than all of my heavier friends who do no exercise. I don't know if it's just the movement that burns so much extra and enables me to eat more, or if it's just that I tend to eat more of what I consider "real" food. I have noticed my heavier friends tend to eat out frequently while I eat out only 2-3 times a month...and that they tend to eat much more processed 100 calorie packs of chips and cookies...or lunchables...or foods out of a box or can...and lots of soda or diet own eating habits tend to be more natural, fresh fruts and vegetables, whole grains (if you can cook it in less than an hour it probably isn't a whole grain), and I don't eat meat or animal products except, I really don't know what the answer is...I don't think it's genetic, most of my family is overweight/obese and most of them were not when they were younger...but I see them eating a lot of processed foods and restaurant meals too, and almost no exercise...I really think everyone's best chance for health - including a healthy weight - is to be as active as possible and eat as naturally as possible...if you can pick it off a tree, dig it out of the ground, or it grows as part of a plant, then it's probably healthy to eat...otherwise I stay away from it.
  • Kgj05
    Kgj05 Posts: 3
    Personally I think, a lot goes back to how you grew up, foods you ate etc. I.e. chubby kids often have chubby parents. The type of foods you are used to are what you buy. and of course genetics play their part. Check what in your grocery trolley. Fresh unprocessed foods generally don't attract gst! Try to reduce your gst each time you shop. It is on the bottom of the docket.
  • soulfulsally
    Most of the people on my mom's side of the family are naturally thin. They don't have to worry at all about food intake and exercising to stay thin. It's remarkable! Also not so good for me, who must've took after my dad's side. It's hard to be around people who enjoy food without a care.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I think they tend to move more, eat slowly and frequently (which makes it look like they are always eating) and stop eating when they feel full, and they don't use food as an outlet for stress. At least that's true for me.

    In fact, when I'm stressed, I lose my appetite. And I don't eat when I'm bored, I just get sleepy and nap instead. I'm actually infamous for being the last one done when eating a meal - in a restaurant I often have to have my leftovers packed to go, because I don't want to make everyone wait for me to finish and I don't want to stuff myself until I'm sick like some others do. I walk really fast and tend to be physically moving around as much as possible when working - slow walking/meandering irritates me. So maybe that's true for other people who tend to be "skinnier than average."
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    My husband..well, I cant call him thin, cause he is well built ( 6.4 and 235lbs)..

    I cant believe how much that man eats. He eats so much that years ago he decided to make that a hobbie, so he got into eating competitions. He has won the national perogie eating competition, ice cream and sausage competitions ( different years). I have seen that man eat so much food that its disgusting. Last week he started "training" again because he hasnt done any competetions in a while. The man had 7 hot dogs in a little over a min and then asked whats for dinner.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    yes there are naturally thin people, they are the ectomorphs of the world. we all fit into one of three general categories.

    ectomorphs are naturally thin and have a hard time gaining weight. (marathon runners)

    endomorphs are naturally large and have a hard time losing weight ( offensive line football players)

    mesomorphs are those in the middle that can either gain or lose weight quickly ( this is the most coveted by me, the actors who can go from skinny to huge and ripped in a matter of a few months, like Hugh Jackman or Chris Hemsworth)

    Crack is whack

    So are somatotypes