Under Calorie Goal......Take notice of Nutrition Guide???

I keep well unde my Calories as im training 6 days a week Boxing so thats never a problem and Im loosing my weight for my next bout according to my fitness pal BUT does anyone take note of the nutrition guide? I eat plenty of fruit but 'sugar' is a bad reference to fruit because its not like eating lollies its sugar your body needs so when you go over it is it really acurate? Also I go over my fiber alot as I eat plenty of veg fruit and cerial but is the fiber going to effect my weight loss being over everyday.

As a rule I weigh myself once a week as your weight flucuates and first thing in the morning after my 8 hour min sleep (fasting) and no water (as I weigh in in the morning of the bout) but this week I only saw my weight the same this week because I ate too late at night I think so was wondering if its worth keeping an eye out for fiber sugar fat etc even though your under your calorie goal?


  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think they are things to note if you notice changes in your daily activities or energy levels... nice to have a record of it to take to a dietician or nutritionist in addition to the calorie counts, isn't it?
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm no nutrition expert, but the only micro nutrient I'm aware of that can have a significant short-term effect on your weight is sodium (due to water retention). That's not to say that you should ignore the others because they contribute to over-all health and well-being, but you shouldn't stop losing weight if you eat more fiber, etc. as long as you're still eating at a calorie-deficit. Also, when you ate those calories shouldn't really make a difference either.

    Keep in mind that we don't lose weight linearly, i.e. a nice steady pound or two per month. I'll go three weeks with no change, then the scale will drop 2 or three pounds from one day to the next. So be patient if you see no change for a couple of weeks, make sure that you are portioning properly and eating at a calorie deficit, and keep in mind that the amount of sodium you had recently as well as the amount and type of exercise you had recently (water is held in the muscles as they repair themselves) can affect what you see on the scale.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    I have heard that the recommended sugar level on MFP is particularly off. It may be worth paying attention to if it's from added sugar, but if your sugar is from fruit, I definitely would not be concerned. I always go over on the sugar from fruit and I hear other people on MFP say the same thing. However I understand that it is helpful to pay attention to the big three macros - protein, fat and carbs. I hope this helps.
  • I have heard that the recommended sugar level on MFP is particularly off. It may be worth paying attention to if it's from added sugar, but if your sugar is from fruit, I definitely would not be concerned. I always go over on the sugar from fruit and I hear other people on MFP say the same thing. However I understand that it is helpful to pay attention to the big three macros - protein, fat and carbs. I hope this helps.

    Seemes though your on the same level as my thinking! It gives me reassurence. There is heaps of improvements I can think of for MFP like a different sugar guide for added and natural sugar unless they mean both but It cant be right because if I just ate fruit and veg (which I do) I would always be over fiber and sugar heaps so what difference it has to weight loss I dont know. obviously its handy to look at but sureley there should be more info given for this. A big for me is they need to incorperate something which highlights in red what foods are majorly making you go over your fat protien and carbs so its easyer to learn what to take out and what to add before you prep the meal.