When you first started... how long could you run for?



  • Outside- about 30 seconds. On a treadmill- 1 minute.
  • shellnosoul
    shellnosoul Posts: 2 Member
    I could run for about 4 minutes and I usually thought I was going to die! Now I can run for 20 minutes without interruption :)
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I first started walking the track & when I decided to try running, I could only run a quarter of ONE lap before my lungs felt like they would explode! Gradually I just walked less & ran a little more till I got where I could complete the whole lap at a run. At that point it became much easier to keep running after I conquered that first lap!

    I haven't looked at your weight goal, but I also stepped up my game to get ready for a cruise (we set sail next Monday) & was not able to pull it off as quickly as I liked. I doubled my workouts & cut my calories in half & still only lost 3 pounds, however, I have trimmed a couple inches & people are starting to notice.

    Good luck & have fun on your cruise!

    Awesome!!! Have fun! where are you going?
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I could run for about 4 minutes and I thought I was going to die. Now I can go til about the 2 mile mark before I need a 20-second walk.

    BUT... I see that you're only doing cardio. Have you thought about adding any weight training in there since you're already at the gym for 2 hours? I started doing strictly cardio, but once I added in the weight training, the pounds came off a lot quicker. Even if you do a split- one hour weights, one hour cardio, I bet you'd get much better results! If you're open to it, I could help you build an easy beginner weights program :smile:

    Hey there! I actually did about 20 minutes of weights after I gave up on the treadmill... I did the circuit of the weight machines at the gym... Only 1 round of 15 reps on each machine (Maybe 20/25) Machines... Depending on which muscle group... 25-55lbs for arms 70-120lbs for legs... Wish it could have been longer but had to get showered and changed for work. I would LOVE your help with a weight routine... I really like doing weight training!... Well We have a love/hate relationship... I don't really LOVE doing it, but I do Love the results I get and the feeling that I have actually accomplished something.
  • I have just started running, at the moment i can run just over a half mile but each time i go out i increase my distance by a block. Im hoping to berunning 5k by the spring:)
  • baoneill29
    baoneill29 Posts: 138 Member
    In April I started running, and could barely manage 90 seconds running straight. By May I could run about 2 miles without stopping, and 2 weeks ago I ran my first half marathon in 2.5 hours (no walking at all). You'll get there, it just takes time and dedication and patience to build up your endurance :)

  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    30 seconds ! When I started C25K and that was really hard, yesterday, week 6 I ran for 25 mins, which I never thought I'd do!
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