Trouble sleeping....

mt130022 Posts: 48 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi! Has anyone else found that since they've cut down on calories and eating late they, too, are having trouble sleeping? It's not so much falling asleep that I'm having difficulty with, it's STAYING asleep, even with OTC sleep aids. I have cut down on snacking before bed (I used to eat cereal before bed and slept like a baby!), and try not to eat after 6:00 p.m. My bedtime is usually around 9:00, but even after taking something like Tylenol PM, I find myself waking up at 2:00 - 2:30 a.m. and unable to get back to sleep!

Has anyone else experienced this? If so, is it just a passing thing, until your body gets accustomed to the reduction in calories/carbs? It's beginning to take a toll on my attitude and I'm noticing the dark circles underneath my eyes! Help!


  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I don't recall having the problem sleeping but I did read an article on WebMD I think, where a Dr. was saying that it doesn't matter what time you eat, to basically think of your intake of calories and how much you burn like you would a bank account (only you actually want to burn more then what you have).

    Hope this helps.
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    You might want to bring back a small low-cal snack before bed if you thought that that helped you sleep. If I'm hungry before bed I have a small snack (TBSP PB on a ricecake or a banana, etc) and I fall right to sleep. Even if it pushes you over by 100 cal, it is completely worth it to be able to sleep through the night. Getting sleep is really important to weight loss, not to mention you make better food choices when you are alert and well-rested. Maybe play around with a small snack before bed and see if you see a difference. I know most people swear off late-night eating, but it works for me and my body, so I'm not arguing and I've lost a little over 80 lbs! :)
  • mt130022
    mt130022 Posts: 48 Member
    Okay, thanks! I'll try that, the PB on rice cake snack before bed. That's not a LOT of calories and I usually have 100 or so to spare each day.
  • tktennisplayer
    tktennisplayer Posts: 1 Member
    Don't know if you're still having trouble sleeping, but I've had some trouble sleeping since lowering calorie intake and losing some weight...if you're not against taking something like Tylenol PM, a friend of mine who is a doctor said taking Benedryl (which is what basically is in Tylenol PM to make you drowsy) was worth trying since it's non-addictive and not harmful if you take it often...since children take it all the time for allergies. It seems to be working for me (when I feel I need to use it), but it seems like I have to take it at least an hour before bed. Good luck on getting sleep and getting to your ideal weight.
  • I'be been on this site and eating differently for two weeks now and have had real trouble sleeeping in this time. No matter how tired I am when I got to bed, as soon as I lie down i am wide awake and do not fall asleep until 3-4am. This then means that i'm unable to get up early in the morning and end up wasting half the day catching up on lost sleep I'm not sure if this has anything to do with my change in diet at all, but i've never really had trouble sleeping before.

    I'm going to try to force myself to get up early tomorrow, no matter how little sleep i've had, to see if it will help me fall asleep tomorrow evening.
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