Working on Me!

I'm new to the group. Referred by a friend and absolutely love the site! Feel free to add me as a "pal". Here's a little bit of my story:

On June 15, 2009 I started out on a weight loss journey. It was a spur of the moment decision with no goals in mind, except for "hey this sounds like a good idea". Today, January 2010 I am down 58 pounds. I've set a goal for myself and am happier and healthier than ever.

So, good luck to all on their goals! Here's to a successful 2010 and beyond!


  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    oh Wow, well you are doing wonderfully!!! Welcome, MFP is my favorite site hands down. I owe a lot to it.
    Congratulations on your progress!