how do you log insanity as exercise?

Does anyone know how to log the fit test and the insanity workouts? I don't know what to search to get results.



  • Heya! There really isn't a place on MFP to log it. I would use my Heart Rate Monitor to get the most accurate reading, but I suppose you could use aerobics or calisthenics?
  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    circuit training
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I add it to the workout options, then select cardio, enter in the minutes, and enter in my calories burned from my HRM.
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    Bump. Trying to figure this out at the moment also. Starting Insanity today.
  • HRM and create your own exercise... that is what I do... your burn will be differetn from anyone elses... some people will burn 600 in one of those dvds while someone else will only burn 400
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Insanity: Intense bodyweight training.

    Calisthenics: Intense bodyweight training.

    Insanity is calisthenics. Calisthenics is in the MFP database.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    maybe you should put it under aerobics high impact or yeah that calisthenics. Isanity is intense so I think that'll maybe give you a good estimate but yeah we all need HRM's because you never know how much your actually losing.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I just want to make sure everyone here knows: If you know so little about fitness that you don't even know what calisthenics are, you NEED to stay away from programs like Insanity. The videos do not do an adequate job of explaining how to do these exercises with proper form and without knowing what it is exactly you're doing, you're GOING to hurt yourself and badly.
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    I have a question. Where can people go to ask honest questions without getting condescending a-holes trying to make them feel like idiots?
  • Right! If you don't have something helpful to offer than shut it.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Sorry, but my whole point is this: Insanity is clearly marketed as an advanced fitness program, and anyone ready for anything that calls itself advanced will know a little bit about what they're doing going into it. It's a simple matter of the fact that if you are not yet well versed enough in matters concerning the science behind fitness and nutrition to be asking these questions here on this forum, then you're not ready to do something thats advanced level and no good can come of it short of you seriously injuring yourself.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Right! If you don't have something helpful to offer than shut it.

    I am being helpful. I'm making people aware of the dangers of serious injury going into something like this unprepared. If that isn't being helpful, then I don't know what is.
  • I just want to make sure everyone here knows: If you know so little about fitness that you don't even know what calisthenics are, you NEED to stay away from programs like Insanity. The videos do not do an adequate job of explaining how to do these exercises with proper form and without knowing what it is exactly you're doing, you're GOING to hurt yourself and badly.

    Unfortunately, just as in life or at the mall, there's going to be those kind of people everywhere. Just ignore them!
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    Actually, I asked this same question when I first joined this site about P90X and was directed by a really helpful person to a website that helped calculate calories based on weight, intensity, and which workout. It has been helpful to me and I have gotten into the best shape of my life over the last several months doing P90X. Luckily you did not respond to my question and belittle me at the time. It may have turned me off of this site altogether and then I would have missed out on all the benefits.
  • Insanity workouts will burn an average of 600 calories for month 1 workouts, and an average anywhere from 800-1000 for month 2 workouts. A good heart rate monitor will give you a great idea of where you're at, I found that one that straps to your chest as opposed to on your wrist is more beneficial due to a lot of the moves. As far as logging it in here, cardiovascular would be the way to do it, listing the time of the workout as well as the calories burned. If you're looking to log in Insanity workouts more specifically, you can use the WOWY supergym on the team Beachbody website. Hope that answers your question! Any others you can reply to me here or on my Beachbody coach site:
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    This may help:

    I log mine as aerobics.
  • I just want to make sure everyone here knows: If you know so little about fitness that you don't even know what calisthenics are, you NEED to stay away from programs like Insanity. The videos do not do an adequate job of explaining how to do these exercises with proper form and without knowing what it is exactly you're doing, you're GOING to hurt yourself and badly.

    There is no need to know terminology in order to do the program. Just because someone doesn't know what calisthenics are doesn't mean they are not capable of doing the program. Just making sure everyone here knows that...
  • I always put it in as Aerobics , high impact
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I'm on month 2 and I don't have a hrm so I don't log it. I hate not logging it...but what are ya gonna do? Now I'm kicking myself for not getting one!

    But, using something generic I knew would be WAY off. Some people can do an entire workout without resting, and some can only do about half. Sometimes I can do more one day, and then not so much the next time I do the same video. It's too hard to do a generic exercise in the database...
  • Does anyone know how to log the fit test and the insanity workouts? I don't know what to search to get results.


    As most suggested, get a heart rate monitor and create your own exercise in MFP for Insanity workouts. Your calorie burn will vary from DVD to DVD (and even from day to day for the same workout) so you might want to create a separate workout for each DVD in MFP. Good luck!
  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    Wow. I started working out with Zumba and moved up to Insanity, and I don't know crap about it! I do know that I have muscles now and my butt is looking pretty awesome. I log it as Aerobics (High impact.)

    What's up with all of the know it alls and meanies here? If you're so perfect, why don't you get a word press and blog to the rest of the world about that and leave us people TRYING to be better the crap alone! I haven't hurt myself with my noob working out! RUDE! Not everyone needs a personal trainer.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I add it to the workout options, then select cardio, enter in the minutes, and enter in my calories burned from my HRM.

    I do this... I'm currently doing P90X
  • pelican16
    pelican16 Posts: 3 Member
    I log it under Circuit Training.. I guess I got it out of beachbody website that the amount of calories burnt is close to circuit training. I am in the 6th week of insanity OP.. and dont listen to demotivators. You'll love Shaun T and the posse. Enjoy!
  • loveYOUmore319
    loveYOUmore319 Posts: 79 Member
    I add it to the workout options, then select cardio, enter in the minutes, and enter in my calories burned from my HRM.

    ^^ yup!! that's exactly what I do too. ^^
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I always took the total workout time and logged half as elliptical trainer and half as calisthenics.

    So for month one it would be 20 minutes of "elliptical trainer" and 20 minutes of "calisthenics vigorous effort"

    I recently got a heart rate monitor and found that I came EXTREMELY close to exact with the way I had been logging it :)
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    I'd like to try insanity one day ... but today's not the day. I can imagine how badly I'd hurt myself on this program now that I've youtubed it. Maybe after I lose more weight!

    Keep up the great work, everyone!
  • Wow. I started working out with Zumba and moved up to Insanity, and I don't know crap about it! I do know that I have muscles now and my butt is looking pretty awesome. I log it as Aerobics (High impact.)

    What's up with all of the know it alls and meanies here? If you're so perfect, why don't you get a word press and blog to the rest of the world about that and leave us people TRYING to be better the crap alone! I haven't hurt myself with my noob working out! RUDE! Not everyone needs a personal trainer.

    Yep yep yep! :angry:
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Right! If you don't have something helpful to offer than shut it.

    I am being helpful. I'm making people aware of the dangers of serious injury going into something like this unprepared. If that isn't being helpful, then I don't know what is.

    I have to kinda agree w/him. I loved doing Insanity but my knees were hurting and I couldn't keep my form properly while trying to stay w/Shawn T. When I saw my sports medicine doctor he said he sees a lot of injuries from PX90 (?), Insanity and Jillian Micheals. I like JM because seh takes the time to explain the proper way to complete a movement. Those exercises are very, very intense and if you are not as ready as you 'believe' you are, you could very seriously get hurt, so just becareful and see your doctor first!
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I use my HRM to get my cals then go to add exercise and type in nonsense so I can add my own exercise and then write Insanity Day 6 - Pure Cardio/HRM.

    Hope that helps!
  • I am looking for a good HRM or Watch that tracks calories burned. Any suggestions? Did Insanity month 1 last year and never purchased one. Thinking about starting again, but like you all, want to track my calories accurately. Thanks!