Former Soldier

SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Ed. Im 33, married, and have to kids. I was injured in combat (but not disabled) and left the army in March of 2008. At the time I was a crisp, lean, trim 165. At the end of 2009 I weighed 260. I started trying to get back into army shape starting 01-01-2010. To date I have lost 15 pounds. Tomorrow I start introducing running. I have to be careful because my injuries "awoke" a genetic disporder called rhabdomyasis (spelling), a muscle inflammation disease. My goal is 8-10 pounds lost a month.


  • jiminoregon
    jiminoregon Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for your service...and welcome home!

    Try walking instead of running. New research points to the fact that walking is much more productive for weight loss...and reduces the risk of injury. Look up Dr. Greg Ellis and others. I hit the 40 lb. lost mark today. I walk 4 miles...6 days per week at 3.5 mph... I ran 1 day two weeks ago and I'm still nursing a foot injury from it. No more running for me!

  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Thanks :-)
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Running makes me feel closer to God.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    1st thank you very much for serving our beautiful country ......2nd of all welcome to an awesome site full of friendly, supportive people and 3rd good luck on your weight loss journey and congrats on losing 15 pounds :wink:
  • Oh awesome!! Welcome! I too just joined, today, but your story really touched me. My husband was injured in a helo crash in 2007 and his life has never been the same. I am actually going back to school in April for Physical Therapy and my desire is to work with war vets from Iraq and Afghaniland... Anyway, I have cooked healthy foods to help him get better and maintain--and for the most part he has stayed pretty fit, but on a daily basis he has pain :^(. If you are truly set on introducing running into your workout regimen then I would make sure you first of all have great shoes--get your feet scanned at a shoe store, to see which shoe is best for you, if your pronate or heel strike. Go for distance instead of time--you don't have to sprint to receive some of the many benefits of running. However, with injuries and such, swimming laps, doing the eliptical and cycling would be better choices. I have osteoarthritis in my left knee from surgeries from my volleyball days, and I too miss running. I actually enjoy it--but if I do it to often I can't even ride the bike due to my inflamation--your right to want to get your heart rate up and burn calories, etc. with running--but their are other alternatives--walking is decent, but you have to really push yourself to get your heart rate up in order to burn fat/calories, and walk for longer periods of time compared to swimming laps, etc--as long as you are doing some kind of interval training to increase and decrease your heart rate, you should be successful!! Well anyway, good luck Former Soldier, I'm rooting for you, I too, have a goal of 10lb. weight loss within the next month!

    Pararescue Wife :^)
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