Still not happy with my results...

I joined MFP back in Jan. I lost 15lbs by the end of March. I've been maintaining my weight since then, have had a few ups and downs. I don't know what is wrong now. I seem to have completely stalled and my clothes that once fit do not fit anymore and the ones that were big are to tight :cry: I know a lot of it has to do with bloating today, but I feel so gross. It just took me 15 minutes to find something to wear, just to go pick my daughter up from school. Its awful. I don't know what else to do. I walk or run several miles a day, I do Jillian Michaels biggest winner series and some random youtube exercises. I wanted to NOT gain weight before trying to get pregnant again. But it seems as soon as we started trying last month I started gaining weight and I'm not even pregnant yet! What gives?!
This is so depressing and its been putting me in a very bad mood almost everyday. I just can't seem to control it! I've had thyroid issues in the past but had that checked and it was fine. I have been kind of constipated, so I know that doesn't help either...any suggestions?