Tried everything, STILL NOT LOSING WEIGHT!!



  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I'd definitely try eating more, especially if you are working out that often. Try it for a few months and see how you do. It takes time to lose the weight, so be patient.

    I eat salad all the time for lunch and still make it to 1700 calories a day. Just add chicken or low sodium lunch meat, some feta cheese (or your choice of cheese), dressing, whatever veggies you like, some nuts or even a chopped up apple to it. My salad calories usually end totally around 380 calories and are still really healthy. You can also do a half sandwich (or whole) if you want more calories.

    You may also want to track your sodium amounts. I've found that being over in sodium can make the scale move upwards. Once I cut back on the sodium and drink tons of water, it helps move the scale back down in the right direction.

    Best of luck to you!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Also, now that we've had a few more days on this topic, your diary seems to fit a "IIFYM" pretty well, which is fine--but if you're not going to eat super, super clean, I'd track your sodium. Your issues could be water retention this whole time if you're ingesting vast amounts of sodium (which I don't think you are, but you might be surprised).
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Bump it up to 1400 for 3 weeks and remeasure/weigh.
  • anamika59
  • goal145machavila
    In addition to the ironic advice of eating more, you might also try looking closely at your measurements. Your body may well have changed with healthy eating and exercise without reflecting "weight loss". You may have FAT loss and muscles may have increased accounting for what you are seeing on the scale. Also as females, our weights fluctuate a couple pounds due to our menstrual cycles so try not to weigh too often and become discouraged when normal fluctuations occur. The best goal to focus on is improving health; weight/fat loss will be a natural outcome secondary to healthy habits. Best of luck to you.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hey guys, I got all my blood, cholesterol etc checked couple of months ago and everything was in normal values.

    And to quote what i said before, of course I haven't gained this weight by not eating more than 1200 calories. However, unlike most, my calorie intake has never been too high and I have always been sportive. It has always been more of what i ate rather than how much i ate, so yes, i have never been eating that much which is why i said increasing your calorie intake right now seems A LOT.

    I've been to a doctor about weight loss couple of times in my life and always seem to get the same response; eat less exercise more. So I really don't see the point in going there again as every medical condition has been ruled out as well as I always end up getting the same advice.

    Just a thought, from my own experience, that it's possible that you body is used to a relatively small amount of intake and a consistent output (being sportive). I remember I lost 10 pounds when I first cut down my intake from 2000 to 1200 within a month. Then when I started adding exercise and eat more all this weight came back on and became super hard to get rid of (which I am currently struggling for). I don't know the correct answer for your confusion but only wish you best of luck and hope you can find a way that works for YOU (not everybody else).