I hate weekends.

I had sucha struggle staying on target this weekend. There was the constant influence of alcohol from friends, the late night munchies and since I wasn't home for most of it - I found myself stopping at fast food places instead of heading home and making sensible choices.

I seem to fall off track every weekend. The good part is - I usually have more to exercise more (Sunday is usually my long run day...I try to go for over an hour) so I usually get an hour of cardio and an hour of weightlifting. But I still feel so crappy when I eat out of control.

I know I will get back on track on Monday. I am more disciplined when I plan out my meals and bring my lunch to work. But I just can't help feeling crappy as I look back on my choices on Sunday morning. :grumble:

Anyone else struggle on the weekends? Ugh - Any advice?


  • pixiech1ck
    Alot of people believe in the "cheat" meal or the "cheat" day. I think that as long as you don't go over a TON where it ruins your whole week, you should be okay. You can't stop your life because you're watching your calories, you just have to try to make the best possible choices you can.
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    I am definitely with you on that one Casi. I definitely fall off the wagon so to speak on weekends. I do like to have a couple of drinks on a Friday night and often go to happy hour which means I order something off the half price appetizer menu. I also have more time to work out as I have no other commitments for the weekend. I agree with pixiech1ck too though. I think its okay to have a cheat day as long as you are not consuming so many calories that the whole rest of your week is thrown off.
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Weekends are the bain of my existance. Especially with football. Beer and junk food are all over the house. I know that I completely undo what I accomplish during the week which while frustrating, is totally my own doing. I just try to get to the gym 2 hrs a day (cardio and weight training) M-F. It is my only saving grace. lol.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    My wife freaks on the weekends if she doesn't think i am eating enough... It mahes for a real struggle.
  • lanajs11
    I think what happens sometimes is that people get so bent on eating right that we go overboard. I feel that when you deprive yourself, you're more more likely to binge eat. So maybe try thinking about treating yourself in moderation. Instead of eating 3 oreos, eat one! I don't see anything wrong with having a treat, as long as you treat yourself smart....
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I had sucha struggle staying on target this weekend. There was the constant influence of alcohol from friends, the late night munchies and since I wasn't home for most of it - I found myself stopping at fast food places instead of heading home and making sensible choices.

    I seem to fall off track every weekend. The good part is - I usually have more to exercise more (Sunday is usually my long run day...I try to go for over an hour) so I usually get an hour of cardio and an hour of weightlifting. But I still feel so crappy when I eat out of control.

    I know I will get back on track on Monday. I am more disciplined when I plan out my meals and bring my lunch to work. But I just can't help feeling crappy as I look back on my choices on Sunday morning. :grumble:

    Anyone else struggle on the weekends? Ugh - Any advice?

    Don't beat yourself up for it! It happened, nothing you can do except learn from your mistakes. Don't make the same choices next week!

    I'm opposite on the weekends. I find I eat better and I'm also relaxed, so I don't have any stress.

    How about plan out your weekends? Try and do things that don't involve going out and drinking and eating loads of crap? If you can't escape that because of your social circle, then make better choices with portion control, etc. Just remember that crappy feeling you had? Do you really want to go through it again?!
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am usually really good about having little mini-treats in moderation. I'll have 5 or 6 m&ms after dinner at night and that will kick my sweet craving.

    I KNOW the alcohol adds to my unnecessary cravings and then the next day I KNOW my body burns less fat because it is too busy burning off the toxins from the alcohol. The truth is - my work week is so hectic (I'm in the military and am gearing up for a deployment) that on the weekends I tend to just relax and let go - in a bad way. : ) Not that that is any excuse.

    I know I need to quit focusing on it and get back on the wagon. I'm gonna kick my butt today with cardio and weights, lock up my wine cabinet, have a healthy dinner (I already have some fresh salmon marinading in the fridge) and go to bed early so I avoid the late-night munchies...

    Thanks for all of the words of encouragement. I just need to vent and hear that other people have had the same problem from time to time.:smooched:
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    My wife freaks on the weekends if she doesn't think i am eating enough... It mahes for a real struggle.

    But she does do this out of love!