I just need to vent!!!



  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    Get a trusted friend and go clothes shopping--just looking. You might want to try a high end store with a large dressing room and mirror. Pick an outfit in 2 different sizes. Put on the largest size first. Ask your trusted friend, "How do I look?" then go up or down in size. Try a non-elastic waist skirt/pants.

    Or go to a thrift shop and buy an inexpensive outfit in the size you want to wear. Try it on once a week and see if you are getting closer to fitting in it. You can do this in the privacy of your home.

    You can always buy a more fitted top and wear a jacket over it and still look profession. Happy window shopping!
  • 1182sheep
    1182sheep Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I have lost 30 Lbs (only17.5 listed on mfp) but I wear the same clothes too...so far. My skirts are all elastic like yours but they seem to hang longer because I am not filling them out as much. I have also noticed the shirt neck falls down over to the left or right to show my bra strap. Most people won't notice that I have lost because I have about 150 more to go. But a few very observant folks occasionaly say "Have you lost weight?" Lets hang in there!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member

    So I have no idea what size I actually wear at all. I am a big fan of S/M/L/XL/2XL I don't know how to shop for sized clothes at all :( how sad is that.

    Anyone in Florida who can help jenni go on a well deserved shopping spree?

    I'd offer to go shopping with you, but i'm in the uk.

    Just go to any department store website and look for their size guide, and compare your measurements. That will give y ou a good place to start. Then go into store and try that size plus up nd down a size and you should find something.
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    That's why I have a DVR, stupidass commercials!
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    I've lost 100 pounds and have gone down from a size 22 to a size 10/12, but there is NO WAY I look like I'm in my 20s. Nor do I look good in a bikini. I think I look pretty good in clothes, but gravity has not been kind to my body....

    Hang in there! You can do it! And I agree....get some clothes from Goodwill or a thrift store that are a little more fitted. You'll be amazed at how you look!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I don't get mad at those commercials; I lmao instead.

    I was watching this show on TLC - I Lost 100 Pounds or something like that, basically talking to people who had WLS. I'm not knocking the surgery, I get that it's needed in certain situations. What killed me was listening to 3 of the women talking about how horrible their lives were weighing 250#. :huh: What does that say about my life, being that I weigh 240?

    But, yeah, I wore the same clothes after losing a similar amount of weight. They weren't loose either, fitting about the same.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I can still wear some of the clothes I wore when I started this. They were very tight on me then and now very big. So just wearing the same clothes isn't any indication. Bet if you look at pictures of yourself then and then today in the same outfit you will see a big difference. I recently found a picture of me in one of the sweaters I still can wear. I'm taking a picture the next time I have it on and compare the two. Can't wait to see what a difference there is. :smile: Oh and after I take the picture I'm altering the sweater so make it smaller so I can contue to wear it for the next 100 pounds I still have to lose. Good luck.
  • littlewitch1973
    I used to wear all elastic pants, and baggy shirts too - but noticed my pants were getting "longer" and my shirt sleeves were hanging down too - I was down 4 sizes before I even realized it!!

    Go to a clothing store (Lane Bryant, Catherines, heck, even WalMart) and pick out some pants- hold them up to your waist and see if they will fit the front of you - try them on... get a feel for your size. Buy ONE pair of pants in your size, and one in the next size down (a little too tight). Next month, try on the ones that were too tight. In the meantime, wear the fitting ones once a week - you will notice how much looser they get as you go.

    I now have given away garbage bags of clothes to people because I didnt fit in them anymore. I have 2 more bags at home I need to find someone to take!! As you lose weight, you WILL drop clothing sizes - when you do, people will start to comment on the weight you are losing. :smile:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I've lost 40 lbs and I went from a size 16 to an 8. So, its possible to make big changes in size without big numbers in weight, but I'm sure you've actually changed sizes and just didn't notice because of what you wear. Even with work slacks I could wear the same pair for 2 size changes (went from a 16 to a 12 and then a 12 to an 8) - clothes are pretty forgiving of weight loss.
  • mcpjan
    mcpjan Posts: 76 Member
    Congrats on the 40 pounds. Have you taken any measurements. I only lost a little over 21 pounds since I started.but during that time I have lost 14 inches. I do some weight training to help tone as I lose. I hope this helps.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    If you look at the fine print, most of those commercials print on there somewhere "this weight loss is not typical, your results may vary" or something like that.
  • cwashkowiak
    cwashkowiak Posts: 44 Member
    I totally agree with this....TAKE MEASURMENTS :) It helps. And 40 lbs down is amazing, go shopping with someone that will be honest with you about how things fit and don't be afraid to try on several different sizes until you get it right! I'm a 16 some places and 14 others, even an 18 depending on the store, so you'll never be the same size in every store. WAY TO GO!!!