importance of sleep/rest (bedtime calc)

Something I stumbled across on Pinterest was a website that helps you track your sleep cycles. basically the body works in 90 min intervals and waking up in the middle of a cycle leaves you groggy and off your game all day but timing when you should fall asleep and wake up makes a world of difference. I didnt know if it was true but have been testing it out for the last 2 weeks and have never felt more refreshed.
no im not selling anything just passing on something I found and if it works for you than great bc I knows its made a difference in my daily life. is the website, odd address but try it out.


  • Is this the phone app? I've been using it too, and really like it. I'm not always a hundred% how accurate it is, and one night I managed to knock it off my bed, but that morning I was much groggier than the others.