so close to giving up :'(

this may sound completely crazy but I'm so close to nearly giving up, and I haven't even gotten any where yet :cry: , I know I won't and shouldn't but this "lifestyle change" is driving me crazy...all i think about is food
- what should i have
-what can i have
-what am i having
- what happens if its something so tempting etc
- Hmm what should i have tomorrow
- remember to drink water etc

then I've also got to worry about these exams exams exams...I literally can not fail I NEED As...yes i have a back up plan to life but arghhh

its winter...its cold and raining :angry: (but these are just excuses- NO excuse october!!) , i want that Hershey's bar so damn bad but I know it's not worth it and I NEED TO DO THIS, but eurgh I feel down a lot !! yeah I'm probably PMSing

I don't even want a Maccy D's or KFC ...I don't know what I want ...this could be coffee withdrawal ... I am so tired of lettuce and cucumbers !!

arghhhhhhhhhhh sorry for the rant :cry:

damn you stress


  • mom060812
    Breath!!!! Dont give up. You joined mfp for a reason, remember that reason! This is a one day at a time journey. There will be days we feel like giving up, but try to remember the big picture. This will get easier for us!!! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. I would be more than happy to help encourage you :)
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Aww, calm down. Take deep breathes. And if you can't give up certain things right now just eat it in moderation. Depriving yourself of things might not be the best thing right now. This is a lifestyle change so your constantly going to be changing things. One day you might want chocolate and eat some and then the next day you don't. It's so many things out there that is delicious, low in calories and could be right for you. It's just finding it and finding what works for you. Cutting out things that you love out of your life so quickly your body is like what? Where is it? What is she doing to me? It's all very new. It's a lot of people who eat whatever they want when they want and still lose weight. Why? Because they do it in moderation. It's all about what works for you. You know your body better than anyone else. Don't give up, I know its very frustrating but we all have our highs and lows that's a part of the journey. You can make it through this you have to believe that.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    I'd say you need to eat a little more when you're doing so much exercise! You've got 1000 more calories if your diary is up to date. If you use up some of them you'll probably feel a little less worn down. Also, it might be worth upping your calories by a couple of hundred while you're worrying about exams - the brain needs energy too and it might bring you a little less stress. Stress is the enemy of both weight loss and exam success, so take a few deep breaths and don't be so hard on yourself for a little while :)
  • NewMeAT33
    Eat the Hershey's bar... just add it to the journal.
    Too many changes at one time will do this.

    I had pizza for lunch and BK for dinner on Friday. As long as it is a treat and accounted for, you should be fine.
    Hang in there.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    AWW sweety you're being too hard on yourself, take it one day at a time because giving up will make you feel 100X worse than messing up on day or 1 meal and starting over. School is stressful enough without giving yourself more to worry about. Eat a cupcake, then eat a healthy dinner, it won't hurt you. Feel Better
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    you dont need to get the whole new healthy lifestyle thing perfect the first time. As long as you learn something each tome it doesn't work. That way the more you fail, t he more you learn.

    If its cold and miserable makesome ocernight oats ( i heat mine up in the morning) that way you've got something warm and filling to start the day.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    Hey...thank you so much for your support ...sorry for the slight breakdown

    went on a park walk to clear my head, got 15minutes into it when I realised its dark and after this weeks events I really shouldn't be walking alone so run back to my Hershey's bar and cuppa =)

    and I know its not going to be easy, and not everyday is going to be fantastic, but thanks for reminding me to keep calm and breathe !really really appreciated x x
  • OliveCarsey
    Have the darn hershey bar- i do when i want one. If you deprive yourself of something you want you will only crave it more- so give in, but maybe only eat half of it? I buy the snack size bars and have them if I am craving chocolate. Don't worry about what you are going to have tomorrow- tomorrow will be here soon enough. Change things slowly- drink 1 more cup of water one day than normal and a few days later add another extra cup in- if you aren't a big water drinker normally take it slow. As for food- eat whatever you want, just in moderation- if you don't know what a portion size is google it and if you can buy a food scale. I was shocked at how many servings of some foods I was eating in one sitting. you can do this- you took the hardest step just starting. As for PMS she is a horrible horrible monster lol- I am dealing with her now also. One thing I do is put all my goodies in a plastic bin in the garage so I actually have to work to get them, if its not worth the extra work I don't want it that bad.
  • Roachimumpty
    Roachimumpty Posts: 10 Member
    I know how you feel, im totally sick of salad lol. But treating yourself once in awhile, won't hurt! Just go for a walk afterwards and make sure you eat healthy the rest of the day :)
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    Treat yo self!

    (I love that episode of parks and rec. hehe.)
  • jagnal
    jagnal Posts: 20 Member
    Girrrrrrl don't give up you can do it!!!!! I'm on my 3rd week and I'm putting my mind to it. All I think of is the main reason and that is my kids, being healthy for them! Think of one reason why you want to do this. Health, kids or yourself! You deserve this!! Eat that candy and don't deprive yourself or else you will go crazy. One step at a time is what it takes. Log everything you eat it really opens your eyes when you do. Hang in there and good luck!
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    this may sound completely crazy but I'm so close to nearly giving up, and I haven't even gotten any where yet :cry: , I know I won't and shouldn't but this "lifestyle change" is driving me crazy...all i think about is food
    - what should i have
    -what can i have
    -what am i having
    - what happens if its something so tempting etc
    - Hmm what should i have tomorrow
    - remember to drink water etc

    then I've also got to worry about these exams exams exams...I literally can not fail I NEED As...yes i have a back up plan to life but arghhh

    its winter...its cold and raining :angry: (but these are just excuses- NO excuse october!!) , i want that Hershey's bar so damn bad but I know it's not worth it and I NEED TO DO THIS, but eurgh I feel down a lot !! yeah I'm probably PMSing

    I don't even want a Maccy D's or KFC ...I don't know what I want ...this could be coffee withdrawal ... I am so tired of lettuce and cucumbers !!

    arghhhhhhhhhhh sorry for the rant :cry:

    damn you stress

    I looked at your diary....boring and only 940 calories to boot. Are you a vegetarian or something? Why are you only eating salad and cucumbers and tuna?
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    I read diary, seems to me you can "afford" t0 eat that Hershey Bar...unless you've not logged calories you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay under on a couple of days. Add protein and carbs, too.
  • Thin1979
    Just remember the only thing we can control is ourself. Not school, traffic, relationships good to yourself.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    this may sound completely crazy but I'm so close to nearly giving up, and I haven't even gotten any where yet :cry: , I know I won't and shouldn't but this "lifestyle change" is driving me crazy...all i think about is food
    - what should i have
    -what can i have
    -what am i having
    - what happens if its something so tempting etc
    - Hmm what should i have tomorrow
    - remember to drink water etc

    then I've also got to worry about these exams exams exams...I literally can not fail I NEED As...yes i have a back up plan to life but arghhh

    its winter...its cold and raining :angry: (but these are just excuses- NO excuse october!!) , i want that Hershey's bar so damn bad but I know it's not worth it and I NEED TO DO THIS, but eurgh I feel down a lot !! yeah I'm probably PMSing

    I don't even want a Maccy D's or KFC ...I don't know what I want ...this could be coffee withdrawal ... I am so tired of lettuce and cucumbers !!

    arghhhhhhhhhhh sorry for the rant :cry:

    damn you stress

    I looked at your diary....boring and only 940 calories to boot. Are you a vegetarian or something? Why are you only eating salad and cucumbers and tuna?

    yeah having a pescatarian october and unfortunately REALLY out of ideas!!

    I read diary, seems to me you can "afford" t0 eat that Hershey Bar...unless you've not logged calories you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay under on a couple of days. Add protein and carbs, too.

    I'm struggle to juggling/add proteins and carbs into this !
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member

    Here, some Vegetarian meals to perk up your diet. There's 39 of them. Look through it and see if you find anything you like. Also, they have a cute little e-book that might interest you for less than $5.
  • Owsla135
    Owsla135 Posts: 350 Member
    You can't quit!! I love reading your posts and having you as a friend! Very selfish, I know, but trueeeeeeee!!!!
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    When things get tough just ask yourself " How do I eat an elephant?"

    The answer...... One bite at a time.

    This applies to lots of things in life. Don't give up and good luck with the exams too.
  • mcfc4tony
    mcfc4tony Posts: 107 Member
    this may sound completely crazy but I'm so close to nearly giving up, and I haven't even gotten any where yet :cry: , I know I won't and shouldn't but this "lifestyle change" is driving me crazy...all i think about is food
    - what should i have
    -what can i have
    -what am i having
    - what happens if its something so tempting etc
    - Hmm what should i have tomorrow
    - remember to drink water etc

    then I've also got to worry about these exams exams exams...I literally can not fail I NEED As...yes i have a back up plan to life but arghhh

    its winter...its cold and raining :angry: (but these are just excuses- NO excuse october!!) , i want that Hershey's bar so damn bad but I know it's not worth it and I NEED TO DO THIS, but eurgh I feel down a lot !! yeah I'm probably PMSing

    I don't even want a Maccy D's or KFC ...I don't know what I want ...this could be coffee withdrawal ... I am so tired of lettuce and cucumbers !!

    arghhhhhhhhhhh sorry for the rant :cry:

    damn you stress

    Here's what I think. You are treating your life like the 100mts races when it’s more like a marathon. Don’t try and do everything today. You say that you have exams that “I literally cannot fail”. At this moment that needs to be what you need to put your energy in to. You have to stop thinking of this as a diet, a quick fix that will get you to a winning line. This is about the rest of your life. So if you need to ease back on the exercising then do it, if you want the occasional teat to get you through these exams then do it. Once you have done the exams and passed then you will have the time and energy to do more. There are only so many hours in a day and you cannot be in two places at once, and neither can you head. Cut yourself some slack. Sit down and ask yourself where you want to be next year. If it’s with these exams slam dunked and a few pound lighter then you know what to do. If you stress about everything, nothing will get done and you will end up turning in on yourself (I know I have been there). Take a deep breath and count to ten. Then move on with your life. If you give up, you are giving up on tomorrow and what that can bring. Keep on coming on here and chill with your friends and remember if it was so easy we all would have done it years ago. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    what stuff did you eat before? why not just eat that stuff but make it healthy?

    and yeah with 940 calories you're setting yourself up for failure. sorry but there's no way you can approach this as lifestyle change and only eat that little food. that's got yoyo diet mentality written all over it