Binge eating - any ideas why?



  • sallymurph
    sallymurph Posts: 56 Member
    First off, good job in avoiding the grocery store. The binge eating is the symptom. I have the same problem. You need to try to think of what triggers this binge eating. For me its being alone. The minute I am alone at home I hit the pantry, turns out I eat when I am anxious...being alone at home makes me anxious. Now that I know this it is easier to avoid. I also use the pleasure/pain analogy. I know that a binge means an extra workout on the treadmill...the pain outweighs the pleasure in this case. Also, keep in mind that it takes an extra 3500 cals to gain 1lb. And it takes 2-3 days to convert extra calories into fat. Remember, nothing taste as good as healthy feels.
  • tangledsky

    I put it in a simple way " if it didn't come from the ground, didn't grow on a tree and doesn't have a mother- stay away from it " .. I think this says it pretty clearly.

    I love this statement. One of the best I've heard.

    Congratulations on beinb binge-free.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I heared t hat long time ago from my weight watcher instructor ( while i was on ww )..

    Have to agree with the coment above- in my long post forgot to tell you about different ways to deal with " whatever " triggers your binges.
    Some have the anxiety, some are depressed, sad, lonely, others just plain bored, some of us tend to binge while watching tv..

    So what ever it may be for you- this is why journaling will help you figure it out - keep writing down what you ate- and how your day was - what were you doing while you ate- how did you feel.. etc.
    You know once you figure out the problem- that's allready half problem solved. After that you only have to find ways to avoid it,that's all.

    Also what helps me stay away from eating " for no reason" or out of boredom etc.. i try to keep myself busy during that time of " feeling like having to eat -but know i just had my meal- try some of this :

    First of all- stuff that you mostly binge on- don't have it in the house. Ever. If you have it- you will eat it. If it's not there- no matter how badly you want it- i doubt you will get out of the house just to go get a candy bar ? My pantry looked like grocery store - filled with candies.. and my excuse was ' oh it's for the kids- not me " .. well guess what- it was a lie - i wasn't honest to myself.. i believed that it was for the kids.. now i don't have it - the kids don't need that either.. Once in a while i by " unhealthy " stuff..candy , ice cream.. etc.. but in small quantities so that we all can have one-two servings and it's gone.. not in the fridge waiting for my weak moment.
    Even- if it is " buy one get one free- if there's no one in the house to share with you the second one- leave the second one in the store- it's not free - it has 2 extra hours on the treadmill in it ?!

    Some say - have it but in small quantities- i don't know about that- it depends how " bad" you are with that food - and how bad it is .. but i tell my self- if it is available- in the kitchen. fridge.. etc it means for me that i have to " fight " with myself may times until i finally give in and have that " small quantity " - losing weight is allready a fight hard enough without making it harder on my own- if it is not available- you won- there's no more fighting between you and your willpower.. we can't always rely on our willpower or motivation- those are short- timed - better way is to clear our surroundings- have a safety net- have a security system for moments when our motivation is gone.. - trust me this is a big one

    2.- get out of the place where that food is - kitchen ? etc.
    3. if tv makes you eat/ snack- try watching tv while on the treadmill or bike - i do it , helps .. it doesn' t have to be any super performance .. just keep walking it will keep you away from snacking- and you are going to burn some calories even without huge effort.. - on the other hand you might eat many more - without even noticing ..
    4. talk to a friend on the phone- come here and read, keep posting,
    5. read a book - or come here read some other topics, educate yourself, ..
    6. do a pedicure - take a long nice bath / shower
    7. go for a walk ( not arround the store :) ..
    8. organize your closet ,

    start a hobby- how about some scrapbooking or whatever you like- it helps me stay out of the ki tchen for hours- without even noticing it - scrapbooking is my new " thing " in life and it keeps me busy for hours..

    I just think it's about : first noticing and beeing aware of the triggers - and second : finding ways to avoid them
  • Felixanvk
    Felixanvk Posts: 69
    Same here ;(