Inspirational photos :).

So I was going through all my old pictures of me a little over a year ago and just started to cry. I put this photo as my background on my laptop so I'll see it every single day. I was so happy. It might take me a while but I WILL get back to this. What photos of yourself inspire you?



  • jhunny31
    Aww you will get there. What inspires me is my fat photos. I just looked a photo of me 60 pounds heavier and I know I just have to keep going. I'm also doing a blog now. You look great by the way, its hard. Plus the scale isn't your friend at all lol. Best of luck.
  • wattsj56
    C'mon people :).
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I dont have any "thinner" photos of me. Ive always been a chunky monkey =|
  • littlelady62
    Hang in there, you'll reach your goal.
  • Lowest weight was 162lbs, And before that I weighted in at 249lbs at the highest.
    Around 4 years later I tip the scale back up to 220lbs.
    Now I want to get down to 130-140lbs but with muscle.

  • SDK13
    SDK13 Posts: 3
    How do you add photos?
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    This is my inspirational photo. I took this on my 19th birthday, which was a little over a year ago. Although it wasn't the thinnest I've ever been, this was the first time where I felt beautiful and glamourous about myself. I want to get back to this and get back into modeling but with a healthier mind and body. :)

  • SDK13
    SDK13 Posts: 3
    My goal..get my pre baby(#2) body back:-)