


  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I can only imagine how tiring this must be. I remember the days when my munchkins were little. You seem to be doing a lot of cleaning. How about incorporating exercising into that. Get your Ipod out, plug in some good music and every time you wipe the counter, or do three dishes, throw in some dancing around, do some squats, do your mopping with lunges, for every two toys you pick do some simple exercise, then carry on. I do the same sometimes when I cook some meals, the counter tops are great for doing push ups against, or triceps dips, etc. dry dishes while you do deep knee bends, etc. Be creative:)

    Great Advice - I do this!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Put the little ones in a stroller and go for a walk/run.
    Literally run around after them all day.
    If you have friends with small children, trade baby-sitting duty to give you and them time to workout (or whatever they choose to do with their free time).
    If you have family nearby, ask them to watch the little ones for an hour a couple of days a week.
    If you have a husband or SO, exercise when he's home to watch the little ones.
    Exercise while you clean. Don't always use the ease that modern life provides in cleaning and/or dance while you clean.

    You can burn a lot of calories without ever doing formal exercise. Just move your body.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    you can either make excuses or man up

    this is terrible advice! BEING A WOMAN AND HAVING KIDS IS HARD WORK!!! yes it can be done, but you have to work around harder obstacles than a MAN or women without kids. before i had kids i was in GREAT shape because i worked out ALL the time. now i usually get up around 545am, get myself ready, get kids out of bed and ready, make sure everyone has everything, go to daycare, go to work, grocery shop on my lunch break OR be selfish and go workout, get off work, go to daycare for one kid, travel 15-20 min to get kid from school, go home usually after 6pm, hurry up and cook, hurry up and choke on ur food, do homework, throw them in showers/baths, clean up kitchen, brush teeth always a battle and get them in bed by 830!!!! HARD HARD work! and then i am drained! and some days we have soccer practice, bible study, or school activity. I am now trying to figure out how i will be working out in the winter time since we wont be able to go outside. i have actually lookeed into buying an elliptical or somethin of that nature. Thank you VERY MUCH
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I live where it gets 120 in the summer, lol it's finally starting to cool so that is a great idea I will soon be able to use. :)

    Ah, well, there's your problem. You're just going to have to move. ;)
  • sherim71
    sherim71 Posts: 130 Member
    you can either make excuses or man up

    REALLY???? She has twins. I don't think your statement is very supportive or helpful. I don't have children and even I empathize with her dilemma.

    OP - maybe try some B12 supplements or B complex supplements to help support your energy.
  • missy0936
    missy0936 Posts: 1,507 Member
    you can either make excuses or man up

    This. But seriously, it might sound counter intuitive but excersising gives you more energy.

    The sooner you get up and do it. The sooner it will become more of a habit then a chore and you will eventually find you do have the time and energy you just didnt know it. I have 2 kids a puppy and a full time job and i still work out 6 days a week. The dishes or laundry can wait until your done... and actually you will have more energy. I find I actually get more done casue I'm moving faster.
  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 104 Member
    Wow, I can't imagine how much more difficult this whole process must be if you're looking after kids. My hat is off to you!

    I find, with exercise, I get an endorphin kick fairly quickly, so it's simply (ha!) a matter of starting. I have a job that requires a lot of overtime and late in the evening I'm often exhausted and in NO mood to work out. So I make deals, like how I'll just do it for 20 minutes, and then once I force myself to start (I'm always resentful), I find I'm enjoying it soon and actually WANT to continue the whole hour. So yeah, my advice would be to lie to yourself a little bit to get your foot in the door, and also obviously to find a form of exercise that you enjoy.
  • MichelleOnWheels
    MichelleOnWheels Posts: 114 Member
    I am having a HUGE problem staying motivated. I think my main issue is energy, its very difficult for me to wake up in the mornings and when I do get up I have to do what cleaning I can get done while my twins sleep and when they get up I am running after them all day. When they nap I finish my cleaning, and even though I have time to exercise I can not find the energy. Same thing when they go to bed, I am a zombie. Does anyone know anything I can do to help gain energy/motivation?

    It sounds like you might need a nap more than a workout! My experience with exercising when my kids were babies was that a nap served me better.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I am having a HUGE problem staying motivated. I think my main issue is energy, its very difficult for me to wake up in the mornings and when I do get up I have to do what cleaning I can get done while my twins sleep and when they get up I am running after them all day. When they nap I finish my cleaning, and even though I have time to exercise I can not find the energy. Same thing when they go to bed, I am a zombie. Does anyone know anything I can do to help gain energy/motivation?
    You need to do 2 things. (1) start working out first thing in the morning, 3 days a week. No excuses.; (2)Get a minimum of 7 hours sleep at night (but 8 is ideal).

    As you may have noticed, your house will always need cleaning. It is a repetive task - always being undone only to be redone. But working out is a cumulative task -- every time you work out, you are getting fitter and stronger. When you leave the house, no one will notice how much smaller your jeans are because your living room is clean. No one will notice how much more energy you have because you vacuumed.

    You can always clean when they nap -- and you will have more energy if you've worked out. So put exercise first. Try something routine, like the 20 minute 30Day Shred dvd -- make it a habit. Because a routine is easier to maintain/commit to , rather than making do and promising to grab time here and there, or maybe tomorrow (don't make it easy to skip, or put off). Do it first thing in the morning -- just get it done.
  • nkfxo
    nkfxo Posts: 20
    Find a way sweetie! If you want this that bad, you will adjust your life to making this new lifestyle more important than anything! Trust me, if I can do it, so can YOU! <3
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Find a way sweetie! If you want this that bad, you will adjust your life to making this new lifestyle more important than anything! Trust me, if I can do it, so can YOU! <3

    That's what she's trying to do, find a way. Because this new lifestyle is important, but not more important than her job as a mother, and that is as it should be. She's asking for suggestions on making it work while still being able to be there for her kids.
  • Amernie09
  • Amernie09
    Thankyou everyone!
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    How much weight have you lost? That should be motivation.......get moving! Lose that weight...you CAN do this!!!!!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    you have twins? you have twins! having kids zaps your energy..having twins wow