So Close to Goal but still pudgy?

I'm 5'11", currently 169lbs, SW: 215 (4/2011). I have had amazing progress in dropping the baby weight and I'm loving the way I look. But I am still so pudgy on my stomach, inner thighs and my lower ribs. I know spot-reducing isn't possible. I'm just unsure what to do because my original goal was 160 and I don't think I'll be able to lose the pudge by that point. Are there specific exercises that would be better to do or should I just keep up with general weight loss? I haven't been focusing as much on cardio this month, mostly eating lower calories (1700-1800) and my usual day-to-day running around. I am back into my size 10's that I wore at my thinnest but my body is different from pregnancy. Maybe I should just accept that I'm going to be a little more stretched out this time and be happy with the weight loss?


  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I think you should be happy with your weight loss. :)
    I have seen women get some AMAZING results on this board after they introduced weight training.
    If you can't get to a gym...planks, push ups, squats...those kind of resistant core moves can help as well. :)

    Best of luck and congrats on making the healthy BMI level! (I'm 5'10.75 )
  • Anaconda62
    When did you have your baby? Part of it could still be a hormonal thing. Just do what TinGirl suggested and start a weigh-lifting regimen if you haven't yet.

    Oh, and you're results are great.
  • MommaKit79
    It is great to have lost the weight! I have noticed the same issue from after having my daughter over 2 yrs ago. With me, I lost a LOT of ANY muscle tone I had in my abs when I was preggers so, that could be part of the problem!!! Whatever muslce you DID have could have gone away!!! So, yes, just introduce some weight training into your regime and it should help a lot! I am down to 222 from before and it looks and feels so much different then the 220 I was before I got preggers.

    just keep at it and you'll get it.
  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    Weight training and jump rope are a good combo. Start with 1000 jumps a day (roughly 20 min stop/go) and look up Jennifer Lee's weight training. It's helping me a lot. Jump rope does three things at once, helps loose fat, tightens, and tones. 10 min jumping=30 min running.
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    Weigh training is sooo helpful. You'll stay the same weight, maybe a little less, but its an excellent weight to "spot reduce" directly.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    glad you posted this. i hit my goal but don't look like i thought i would at this weight again. I am still soft too.... i need to tighten up but not sure how to go about it. I am using 10 lbs weight doing my 30ds and rin30... so i am doing a bit of strength..
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    We have almost the exact same stats! I'm also 5'11'', will weigh AGAIN 169 probably at next WI, and fit into size 10s. I know that when I do resistance training I seem to firm up faster. Right now I'm doing mostly sports and cardio so I'm still flabby in some areas. Right now I'm too lazy to hit the weights again, so I'm just focusing on eating better and the cardio thing. I tend to pick up from where I left off doing resistance once I get into it again. Because of this, I'll just lose the last 15-20 lbs and THEN build up muscle again. I know some people, or most people, say to do cardio and strength all along, but I go in spurts. Once I hit 155-160 I'll firm the rest up with weights and back off the cardio a 50/50. Congrats on the baby. :)
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    I had the same experience. Lost all the baby weight yet was a bigger size and so much flabbier than before.
    Weight training did it for me. It's been like a time machine. I still have some extra skin on my stomach but otherwise I think I look better than I did 10 years ago. Squats, deadlifts, presses, etc.