


  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    Everyone is different and their circumstances are different, what works for one wont necessarily work for another.

    A girl I know at work is doing Lighter life lite (she does say its expensive however) . We are the same height and spookily started out at the same weight. She has lost 15lbs to my 9lbs over a similar amount of time.

    I dont judge her choice but deep down I know its not for me. I put weight on because I was over eating, not really checking portion sizes etc I needed to change that and for me eating 'real' food and managing portion size is the key. I felt that for me I needed to realise this was a 'for life' decision and not something that I would do for x numner of weeks or months. I like the flexibility of being able to fit calorie counting around my life, allowing for special meals and choosing my own food choices. She says that she wanted to kick start her weight loss so is happy to see the scales move more quickly.

    Neither of us is wrong as what we are doing meets our goals and needs, I just accept her choices are different to mine. If you are sure that what you are following is healthy, giving you all the nutrition you need and you can sustain it then dont worry about what others think.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I love (and by love I mean that I roll my eyes and start to immediately think they're judgmental for criticizing my right to judge) how people always think that judgement is bad. You can do what you want, but that does not supersede my right to think that there is a better way to do something. I don't believe in meal replacement programs or low calorie diets. They offer deficient amounts of synthetic nutrients that would be better obtained through eating healthy amounts of real food. If you want to do Slim Fast, or whatever, I understand that's your right, but that does not supersede the knowledge I have that there is a better way.

    Yes, but why cant you do it your way without telling others how wrong they are? I dont care how you do it or how wrong you think every other way is. Do it your way and shut up. Thats all Im saying.

    You don't put your business on a public internet forum unless you want it to be scrutinized. Some people might have knowledge that you don't have about the program that you are choosing. If you don't want people to share that knowledge with you, then don't broadcast publicly what you are doing.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I love (and by love I mean that I roll my eyes and start to immediately think they're judgmental for criticizing my right to judge) how people always think that judgement is bad. You can do what you want, but that does not supersede my right to think that there is a better way to do something. I don't believe in meal replacement programs or low calorie diets. They offer deficient amounts of synthetic nutrients that would be better obtained through eating healthy amounts of real food. If you want to do Slim Fast, or whatever, I understand that's your right, but that does not supersede the knowledge I have that there is a better way.

    Yes, but why cant you do it your way without telling others how wrong they are? I dont care how you do it or how wrong you think every other way is. Do it your way and shut up. Thats all Im saying.

    You don't put your business on a public internet forum unless you want it to be scrutinized. Some people might have knowledge that you don't have about the program that you are choosing. If you don't want people to share that knowledge with you, then don't broadcast publicly what you are doing.

    If someone asks for advice on a program then I agree, Its fair game. But a lot of times that isnt the case. Someone will post about their own decisions and the program they are doing and get 100 posts telling them they are doing it wrong. its ridiculous. I see this all the time with things like HCG. Someone will post about how happy they are about the success they are having with HCG and they get a ton of responses basically telling them they are stupid for using HCG. Its arrogant, and over the line in my opinion. If someone asks me a question, I will answer honestly. But if they post about something they are doing and they are getting success, I dont respond to tell them how they should be doing things differently.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Medifast isnt just any old program its proven by DOCTORS:)
    Every meal is nutritious .. it targets burning fat and not muscle..
    People who never would have though they could get thin have
    got in thin from this program, its a lifestyle and have you ever
    seen a program that has a maintenance stage Becase mf does.
    iv never seen that before.
    I've also seen doctors recommend energy healing and homeopathy, but that doesn't make them right. Sticking an MD at the end of someone's name doesn't make them infallible. And you've really never heard of a program with a maintenance phase? Off the top of my head, Weight Watchers, Atkins, and South Beach all incorporate official maintenance stages.

    The fact that the program works for you does not mean that there is anything special about it. It is merely one way to create a caloric deficit. Eating the same calorie and nutrient amounts in other forms of food would have the same effect.

    To add to this, SO many of those MD recommended things often say stuff like 95% of the Doctors we spoke to recommended it.

    Which drives me crazy because what if they just talked to 5 specific doctors.

    Just by being recommended by an MD doesn't make it right, or wrong.

    For me, I think the biggest part of these fad diets is what happens when you go back to regular diets or whatever. And what happens to certain organs by being on specific diets long term.

    Stuff, I don't know completely. But I figure if you are generally healthy, just exercising and not overeating and eating healthy foods you will lose weight. Of course, you won't lose it as quickly. But for me it works.