Celiac and trying to loose weight?

Hi I am new here and need to really loose some weight but I can't eat normal (no whea/flour) anyone else have this problem and how are you coping to get extra pounds off you - I am 64 and it isn't easy.


  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Fellow Celiac here. It's really easy to lose weight with Celiac because you can't eat a lot of the stuff that makes you gain/keep fat like bread, beer, pizza, pasta, pastries, cookies, crackers, cake, etc.

    Also, I don't talk about "losing weight," rather "cutting fat." If you want to cut fat, just eliminate all of your gluten items from your diet and substitute a good meat product. Instead of a sandwich, have a baked chicken breast. Instead of a beer, have an unsweet tea. Instead of cake, have another burger with no bun. Stay away from gluten free versions of foods with gluten. They're expensive, taste like crap (most of them), and won't help you reach your weight loss goals anyway.

    I've been Celiac for four years and it's really easy once you get the hang of it. You will learn every day and it's a constant process of always getting a little better.

    Do you train at all? What do you enjoy doing?
  • marisablakley
    marisablakley Posts: 45 Member
    Hey there! I have either gluten intolerance or celiac (both have the same end result of gluten free diet) and have been gluten free for 5 or 6 years now. I find it really easy to be fat eating gf. There are so many substitutes for the things that we cannot eat that its just as difficult for me to stay away from all the carbs. I guess its all subjective. Im no expert, but personally having this website has allowed me to see that i was just eating way too many calories. I used to think i didn't eat that much but i see now that it was what i was eating and not necessarily how much.
  • marisablakley
    marisablakley Posts: 45 Member
    Ps....was thinking about it and maybe you would be interested in the paleo diet. Item a naturally gluten free diet because it doesn't allow you to eat grains of any kind. Its a meat and plant based diet. Like the cavemen wouldve eaten.