Losing Weight on a Budget!



  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    Rice, beans, oats, popcorn and other foods in the bulk section are cheap at your local grocery. In my area beans run about 1.69 per pound in bulk and rice is about 1.39 a pound. If you shop toward the last hour or so of the local farmers market they are getting ready to pack up they will often discount the produce. I have also been known to buy store brand loaves of bread with a buy one get one offer and buy the store brand peanut butter and jelly and make both loafs into premade pb and j sammies. I would store them in the fridge and in the freezer for easy grab and go on the way out the door. I would eat the sandwiches for lunch and have ramen or rice and beans for dinner. I would buy a bag of apples or oranges to go with my sandwiches at lunch. Breakfast in those days was coffee with half and half. I was so poor that my tight budget was my way of keeping slim. I still practice buying from the bulk section to save on funds now. It's not easy but it is doable.
  • tiffanybs88
    hi everyone ..im single mother with three teenagers on a small budget.. yes its hard .. i struggle with recipes and trying to keep it interesting plus i do shift work so its hard too.. any suggestions on good recipes fast and friendly? fruit and veges are great but would like some inspiration on recipes.,any help appreciated..


    i use this website for my dieting and for recipe...super easy and amazing imo.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    beans are cheap and great protein, eat fresh veggies, no processed food, brown rice, whole grain pasta. You can do it. Where there is a will, there is a way. Excuses make you fat. This is as much of a psychological battle as a physical one. Changing the way you view food is first. Frozen veggies are even cheaper if you have a place to store them. Soup is yummy and really filling, lentils, kidney beans, eggs, oatmeal, you get the point. It is more expensive in the long run to eat crappy too in sooo many ways, not just your pocket book. You would be surprised at how easy it actually is, if you put your mind to it, but free will is a tricky beast. You are responsible for your health, you cannot play victim here.
  • blondegirl1987
    blondegirl1987 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for everyone's input...Currently my budget is probably about 100 dollars a month right now as I been trying to save up my money and I have been backwards for a while. That's why I have been eating what's available in my house. Where would be the best place to buy seafood for a reasonable price (tilapia or shrimp)?
  • purebells
    purebells Posts: 83 Member
    Its easy to do. Back to basics is the way. Very easy to eat heathly on a budget

    Exampe -

    Breakfast - Overnight Oats with Greek Yoghurt and add some chopped fruit and nuts in the morning
    Lunch - Cook a whole chicken one night and use the meat for lunches - salads, wraps , sandwiches. I reguarly just have chicken meat and mixed salad leaves.
    Dinner - Grilled chicken breast, brocilli, beans, carrot.

    Buy what is in season and you will save!

    Also this blog is fantastic for healthy ideas using 5 ingredients or less http://thestonesoup.com/blog/