Stay at home mom of 3

mmurray5 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi...I am new to the site. It was recommended to me by several people. I have been married for almost 15 years. I have 3 children that keep me extremely busy. Currently, I am working for home. (which should be good but I have found myself eating and sleeping because my business is slow).

We live in the south. We eat tons of fried and fast foods. Yum- but so bad. My husband is onboard with me. 2010 will be the beginning of a new way of eating for our family.

Along with a new way of eating, we are starting a new fitness plan tomorrow. Its a bit extreme and I hope I am this excited in the next few days. I know my body will be screaming soon. Anyways, this is me.



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