Body fat percent confusion



  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I was tested with various devices that showed I was way over BF%. The only accurate test for me was hydrostatic and it was only about $25 dollars and well worth it to me. Mainly because the other devices said I was at 17% (and I'd never been this low ever in my entire life) but the hydrostatic showed me at 10.5%. I needed to know this because I needed to be eating more at this point.

    This year I got a DXA scan. It's more expensive and it's a medical procedure but it's really cool because I shows you where your fat is in all your body parts and what the % is in various parts. I was super happy because my visceral fat was .06 lbs (basically zero! whoohooo). But more importantly it showed my bone density. The technician said my 51.5 year old bones were that of a super fit 30 year old. Now if that is not scientific proof that lifting weights makes you younger I don't know what is! I think it is what makes me look younger than my age. When I came home with the results my husband said "I don't think we are going to have to worry about osteoporosis!" LOL it was so totally cool.

    So if I could offer advice to the ladies. START LIFTING NOW. Find an all body women's workout 3 days a week. Do it now and do it for the rest of your life. Do your cardio, but put it in 2nd place. I'm still a runner. You don't have to give up your cardio.