Shy "newbie" with a lot to go.

fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
Hi I joined this site a while ago but never really participated.... I'm 26 and started this new lifestyle about 2 months ago.
I started at 215 pounds and lost 15 pounds so far through old fashioned diet changes and elliptical exercise.

My dream weight is to be 100 pounds exact but my more realistic goal would be to be the weight I was my senior year in high school which was about 123 lbs. ( Note that I am 5ft so 100 pounds is not too light.)

I use the elliptical at least 6 times a week. It has programs so I do the toughest 2 times for a total of 1 hour (Usually). Or I do that program for 30 minutes .

I have some health questions but whatever I'll ask them later.. .

I hope to keep up the motivation to keep working out, which has always been an issue for me. But after years of sort of trying and not really knowing what to do I am on the right track.


  • KrayKira
    KrayKira Posts: 230
    Hey there, Feel free to add me :)
    Inbox if needed..
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Hi there! Feel free to add!
  • Feel free to add me too. We all suppost each other on here so I wish you the best. Never ever give up. :happy:
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    Thank you for the support :-)
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    Youve wandered into a brilliant place:D
    Welcome :)
  • Feel free to add me. The support here is fantastic! It keeps me going.
  • I'm new too (3 weeks in!) so feel free to add me :wink:
  • Kashton2011
    Kashton2011 Posts: 324 Member
    You're definitely making great strides on your own - 15lbs is great. There is so much information on here and posting a topic with a question will get you lots of advice

    Good luck on your journey
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss to date.

    My goal weight is your current weight but as of today have lost 39% of my original weight and started with a higher bmi than you.
    All done with myfitnesspal and exercise bike as not brave enough to go on cross trainer!

    Currently do 6 hours per week which for my carcass is 7500 calories which allows me to eat sufficiently and end up probably 1400 calories a week below 2lb per week weight loss target. i have found an absolute correlation between calories consumed burnt and my weight so I am a big believer in mfp. This only works if you have the discipline to get on the machine when you have had a bad day or a good day.

    I am just over 6 3 and can now mention my weight in polite society.
    Serial yo yo dieter who loved his grub my only advice is to keep at it and shift the weight as quickly as possible as you only have a limited amount of will power.
    You can worry about healthy eating and perfect diet etc when down to your target weight

    Now doing the hard yards as lost 100lbs in first five months and have lost 45 lbs in next six with a plateau of two months that ended when started running six weeks ago.

    All things are possible and i now weigh less than on my nineteenth birthday and wish I had done this at your age but only going forwards so no real regrets and feel nifty at fifty

    On health I get weighed and bp every week as motivation and support. Gone from bp pills for high bp to them worrying about low bp so endless benefits from loss as not carrying around 2 and half bags of cement

    keep at it
  • spells1977
    spells1977 Posts: 146 Member
    Hiya :smile:

    Well done on your great weight loss so far!!

    Please feel free to add me. I started on here when i weighed quite a lot and I kept myself to myself for ages as I too was very shy.

    However since I started adding people and getting involved in the message boards I have been energised by the support I have had and I (hopefully) have given support back too.

    Welcome to the site. Enjoy!! x
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    You're definitely making great strides on your own - 15lbs is great. There is so much information on here and posting a topic with a question will get you lots of advice

    Good luck on your journey
    Thank you but my boyfriend guided me onto the right path. I'm the type of person who doesn't see some kind or result within 3 days I get impatient.
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    Thank you for the positive feedback and the positive stories. I added a bunch of you but won't be overdoing it. I feel more comfortable with a few close hopefully new friends as opposed to a million I don't know.
  • yecatsmn
    yecatsmn Posts: 54 Member
    Hi there. You sound like me, so i'm going to add you!
  • nkfxo
    nkfxo Posts: 20
    Feel free to add me! I'm new too and love new friends!!!! (:
