
I tripped... or more like fell... right off my diet today. There were cookies, and wine, and a shot, and cheese, and a bite here and a bite there...

AHHHGGG! :noway:


  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    LOL, me too! But for me it was a little more than a "bite" here or there, it was all out mayhem. I also didn't get my exercise in because I felt like a beached whale with a carb hangover when it came time to hit the gym. Yikes. The way I look at it, however, is that I should be extremely motivated this next week knowing I've got to burn off my little rampage today!
  • lahlie
    lahlie Posts: 149 Member
    I had a yesterday like that. Just get back up, dust yourself off, and go at it again. We all are gonna fall at one point or another. We are human and we are weak (no matter how strong we thing we are). It is inevitable. The key is picking up where you left off and hitting the ground running. Good luck. Here is to a successful week ahead.
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I've got to get over my all or nothing attitude and remember that a little splurge does not mean my whole day is ruined! Instead of working off the 250 over my goal that sent me into a tailspin, I've not got an extra 2000 to work off. Eek. Fun week ahead!
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    I had one of those days too. I took my mom out to eat at Olive Garden and planned ahead, but the fatty salad called me. Then I got home and hubby made shrimp alfredo for dinner....uggghhh! Tomorrow is a new day and you'll make it one of your best days!!
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    I had 5 days like that, havent been this bad since I started. Back to it tomorrow no matter what the scale says.
  • Mandillynn
    Remember that this may not even be the last time you splurge... and it's okay. I allow myself a day where I can splurge on a meal as a reward. Sundays are my days because I do a lot of brunches and potlucks with my church. I won't go overboard... but I won't worry about counting. Good thing my weigh-in day is Saturday and Monday is a workout day... lol!
  • mlafleur77
    Keep up the great work Berlin :)