Motivation Needed - New to exercising

Yesterday was the first day I have every walked out of a work out class. I started working out a month ago and I no longer want to be fat. The trainer was doing lunges and my knees just started to hurt and I put up my barbells and left. I felt so defeated. I’m so worried that I’m going to slip and end up back on my couch stuffing my face full of bad food.


  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    It's okay to be challenged at first! Actually, you'll want to be challenged continually! What if you started with what works for you, maybe walk for an hour and commit to this workout group when you can? For me, my motivation is how great I feel after I've gotten out of breath. It's entirely about finding what works for you, and you may not be ready for the heavy lifting aspect of working out yet. Which is absolutely okay!
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    thats why i dont do workout classes, i like to challenge myself at my own pace and i know at the moment i wouldnt keep up with some classes. Why dont you drop the classes for a while and do some solo exercise? it gives you time to think and concentrate on your goal and you'll challenge yourself.
  • ReinaLorenz
    ReinaLorenz Posts: 88 Member
    Could you have modified the movement so there was less or no pain? I have done this many times during zumba class when I first started.
    Please dont let this one time disappointment change your goals....YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • marienaegele
    marienaegele Posts: 35 Member
    if youre just starting to work out you should start slowly with walking and stretching everyday for a couple of month and just do a little more everyday. After a few weeks you can start adding some strengh training if you wish. If you just cant do something you simply cant do it but your goal has to be to be able to do it. success doesnt come over night its an ongoing process. Personally i like to read motivational quotes and look at pictures of girls with toned bodies it inspires me and keeps me motivated to stick to a healthy lifestyle :)