low carb diet or no?

Frankly, this is a huge jump because my family is Bosnian. We eat a lot of bread and things that have carbs in them. At the expense of being an orphan for saying no to my mother's food, what are other good or bad things about this diet??


  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    It's not for everyone. I am insulin resistant so I low carb, if you are just looking for a diet then a calorie deficit should be enough, remember that in order to reach your goal and stay there, the changes you make need to be for a lifetime. If you don't want to give up carbs then don't, just keep track of every calorie.
  • skinnyeascolady
    skinnyeascolady Posts: 287 Member
    I have been on a low carb diet for 6 months now not long but long enough to give some info. I truely understand about the family dis owning you for not eating like they do. If it is just one meal I just have the one meal and to ****ens with it. However the other 90% of the time I stick with it. I explain to people why I am doing it and for the most part they understand. If you had a health issue like diabets would thy dis own you then? People with health issues often can't eat alot of carbs I know I can't.

    I will not eat pasta again. Even at a half cup serving I still put on weight the next day by 1-2 pounds I am not kidding you.
    Bread I can only have one slice a day any more and the same thing happens.
    I will only eat half of a small potato at a week any more and the same thing happens
    Rice I will only have 1 half cup once or twice a month any more and the same thing happens.

    Resterants I find difficult at times. I find it hard to have a hamburger and throw away the bun instead if my hubby is with me. He gets half the bun or I put it in a napkin and save it for my dog. I don't eat out alot I eat as clean as possible.

    Some friends make it really hard by offering you sweets but most times it doesn't bother me just once in awhile. I think it you do the 90% 10% or the 80% 20% rule you will be fine.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    It's not for everyone. I don't "low carb" per se, I just skip out on bread if I don't need it.... like skipping the bun on burger night or just picking one carb instead of potatoes and a dinner roll with dinner, I'll eat one or the other. I haven't banned anything from my diet, I've just worked on making better choices.
  • skinnyeascolady
    skinnyeascolady Posts: 287 Member

    not the same topic?

  • not the same topic?

    It's the same topic, I just saw it..LOL But they're having a much more heated debate.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    not the same topic?
    same subject matter